Hello, I immediately start it and it crashes. Whats up with that?
Just because you're having issues with an application does not mean it's lame.
Did you uninstall your previous version?
It may very well be an extension. Start it in Safe Mode ("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 2 Beta 1\firefox.exe" -safe-mode) and if it loads just fine, then it could very well be an extension.
Other things to consider are if you've had issues with previous versions of Firefox.
Installed it on top of 1.5. Smooth as silk.
Tarun - you ever try the SuperdragAndGo extension?
Never have. Here's a list of what I'm using though.
Adblock Filterset.G Updater
Adblock Plus 0.7.1
CuteMenus - Crystal SVG 1.2
DictionarySearch 1.5
Download Manager Tweak 0.7.1
Nightly Tester Tools 1.1
Tab Mix Plus
Web Developer 1.0.2
If you like to do a lot of Google searches, it's indispensable. With it, you hi-lite a word or phrase on a page, drag it just a hair upwards, and it opens search results in a new tab. Eliminates most of your manual typing and copying/pasting.
It is a beta.
Mozilla Firefox is a great application.
In Mozilla we trust.
I cant wait until Firefox 2 stable.
I agree firefox is great, but it seems opera is a bit overlooked:), I always keep these 2 browsers in my system. in some cases opera is simply better.
I use Opera too. Although I still appreciate Firefox, Opera saves the hassles by attempting an all-in-one solution.
Found a page regarding comparison between Opera and Firefox on their extensions: http://my.opera.com/Rijk/homes/blog/extensions.html
is the firefox beta 1 an alpha edition?
i believe the alpha is version 3.0
is the firefox beta 1 an alpha edition?
No, it is an beta, not an alpha.
Alpha means that it hasnt reached beta stage yet.
Beta means that it has passed alpha stage yet but still isnt "quite there yet".
Sometimes a beta is followed up by a Pre-Release before the stable release.
Installed it on top of 1.5. Smooth as silk.
Tarun - you ever try the SuperdragAndGo extension?
I love this extension and use it all the time.
thanks mate for that explanation.No, it is an beta, not an alpha.
Alpha means that it hasnt reached beta stage yet.
Beta means that it has passed alpha stage yet but still isnt "quite there yet".
Sometimes a beta is followed up by a Pre-Release before the stable release.
i downloaded it and installed it and then uninstalled it about 5 minutes later because it kept crashing on me. i think i'll download it when the full version is out.
I think I'll stick with Opera since its more stable. Firefox loves to crash and its extensions are causing the problems although I have never experienced the extensions going crazy on me like this. I got rid of Beta Firefox and its still going crazy after I am using 1.5.04. Don't know why. I dont really care anyways since this computer is stupid anyways. Firefox isn't lame but I think this computer is anyways....
I think I'll stick with Opera since its more stable. Firefox loves to crash and its extensions are causing the problems although I have never experienced the extensions going crazy on me like this. I got rid of Beta Firefox and its still going crazy after I am using 1.5.04. Don't know why. I dont really care anyways since this computer is stupid anyways.
Firefox isn't lame but I think this computer is anyways....
Load safe mode for Firefox, backup your bookmarks and then delete your Firefox profile. Then reinstall and you'll be good to go.
I agree firefox is great, but it seems opera is a bit overlooked:), I always keep these 2 browsers in my system. in some cases opera is simply better.
Agreed. Sometimes FF gets buggy and has a hard time loading pages. At that time I use Opera, and there won't be any problems loading pages. But this has only happened twice. I actually uninstalled Opera today because I've only needed it twice, and I'm enjoying IE Beta 3.
Load safe mode for Firefox, backup your bookmarks and then delete your Firefox profile. Then reinstall and you'll be good to go.
What does "load safe mode" mean?
I think I'll stick with Opera since its more stable.
The current release version of Opera v9.00 actually is rather buggy when compared to the current release version of Firefox v1.5.0.4, which is why I downgraded to Opera v8.54.
What's buggy in Opera 9.00 (at least on my system):
* From the get-go the installation doesn't always create a Start Menu programs group with shortcuts.
* Some websites are completely unusable and don't load correctly, e.g.; Yahoo! TV.
* Some of the clicking in skins isn't spot on, e.g.; clicking the small x to close an open tab are off centered or slow to respond.
* On my system when downloading files Opera 9 was causing a huge increase in resource usage.
* On my system when clicking Help->Support it doesn't redirect to the Opera support webpage.
I think he means the firefox safe mode option. Go to start>all programs>Firefox and there is the option to start it in safe mode. The strange thing to me is that it dosen't seem to make a difference. All my extensions still work and everything.
IE 7 would be good if they would allow the toolbars to be customizable. If I was going to use IE I would choose maxthon.(which I do use from time to time.)
I think he means the firefox safe mode option. Go to start>all programs>Firefox and there is the option to start it in safe mode. The strange thing to me is that it dosen't seem to make a difference. All my extensions still work and everything.
IE 7 would be good if they would allow the toolbars to be customizable. If I was going to use IE I would choose maxthon.(which I do use from time to time.)
Cool thanks. I guess it's what you want. I don't care about customizing my toolbar too much, but I do care about having multiple home pages which FF, and IE 7 Beta 3 give me. I wish that Opera had that...then it would be my #2 again, and not #3.
I guess that I should say something on topic now.
I don't like the beta FF. It's hardly customizable, and have very few features so it makes browsing really annoying. I think I'm going to ditch it until it's stable, because I have a set way that I like and use FF. I can't browse the way that I like and am used to with the beta. But I'm sure that I'll love it when the stable version is released. FF FTW!
Its not so much that I wan't them to be customizable is that I want them to look right.
Their is no reason for me not to be able to make the menu bar on top. Also I want to be able to hide the tab bar when only one tab is open. Plus even if you turn off tabed browsing you still cant make it look right!
Hopefully they will change this before release. The only thing is that vista and the new office look like they will have this new style too.