I definitely won't ever be using Firefox 3 Final because all it can do on my system is crash one minute after another. This hearkens back to the days when Firefox was first released when I could never run it due to constant crashing, and I had always been wondering just when that day would return and I've found out it was today. Even trying to go into Tools->Options->Advanced causes an immediate crash, as well as other areas too.
Luckily I had a full complete backup of my settings from So it looks like I'm going to be in the find a different alternative browser market starting tomorrow and will give Opera another whirl, and if that doesn't work I'll be strictly using IE or an IE clone like Maxthon, etc.
I just installed FF3 but of my 2 profiles the one I use all the time is now missing the back and forward buttons. It is missing some other menu buttons as well. My other profile does have the items that I mention. Can I uninstall FF3 and get my FF2 back with my bookmarks and such in tact?? Or... because I use Febe do I reinstall FF2 and then do a FF2 backup?
Is it possible to move my bookmarks from one profile to another in FF3. Actually Maybe my entire profile. Febe 6 Beta wouldn't restore an older version of Febe
I definitely won't ever be using Firefox 3 Final because all it can do on my system is crash one minute after another. This hearkens back to the days when Firefox was first released when I could never run it due to constant crashing, and I had always been wondering just when that day would return and I've found out it was today. Even trying to go into Tools->Options->Advanced causes an immediate crash, as well as other areas too.
Luckily I had a full complete backup of my settings from So it looks like I'm going to be in the find a different alternative browser market starting tomorrow and will give Opera another whirl, and if that doesn't work I'll be strictly using IE or an IE clone like Maxthon, etc.
I am going to wait for a while before I update to FF3. I have the portable version on my machine so that I can play with it and not mess up my FF2 install. I didnt find 3 to have anything that would want to make me update to it plus none of my themes work with it yet.
Why not try the portable version from portableapps.com? You have nothing to lose.
If you remove FF3 you "may" be able to reinstall FF2 with everything intact, but don't quote me on that.
When I removed FF3 I opted to do a clean install, then I restored all my settings from a backup.
Actually I didn't wait for tomorrow, I'm now using Opera 9.50, and so far I'm liking it, however I have the Maxthon 2 installer handy just in case I change my mind.
Why not try the portable version from portableapps.com? You have nothing to lose.
Well I'm not even messing with it, since the installable FF3 did nothing but crash. So in short I'm completely done with Firefox.
And like you said none of the themes work, and I only used one called Winestripe. It also didn't work with some add-ons like Dr. Web Antivirus Link Checker. Since the add-ons are now all signed or whatever and HTTPS I've also removed my Firefox XPI Installer Add-on I had available in my signature.
Hmm, I had no problem and my MozBackup worked great for some profile stuff. Of course most of the addons aren't ready yet, if they ever will be. Just a few work for now. Forget about the Addon site & most Mozilla sites, they're all stomped. And of course you know that anyone who knows anything about support prolly has a few drinks in them by now so they couldn't care less.
If you remove FF3 you "may" be able to reinstall FF2 with everything intact, but don't quote me on that.
When I removed FF3 I opted to do a clean install, then I restored all my settings from a backup.
Actually I didn't wait for tomorrow, I'm now using Opera 9.50, and so far I'm liking it, however I have the Maxthon 2 installer handy just in case I change my mind.
Would a system restore be an option??
OK just did another toolbar update and now have everything EXCEPT the back and forward buttons
That isn't going to fully help you, you'll end up with a jumbled mess of restored .exe and .dll files for v2, and have other data files belonging to v3.
I havent had any noticeable bugs on my FF3. I like the gecko and jscript speed, but I dont like how FF3 is running in default priveldges unlike IE7 which runs in protected mode by default.
Just tried FF 3 installed within a Returnil session and inside Sandboxie which will save any uninstalls if I don't like it and which I don't!
No noticable speed difference and one of my addons, yahoo mail checker, doesn't work properly.
I told Mozilla about a bug a while back in that if I go to Bookmarks - Bookmarks Toolbar Folder, right click it and select - Open All in Tabs then all your other bookmarks open instead of the Tabs Bar bookmarks and it still doesn't seem to be fixed or it may be my setup?
FF 2 is running fine and fast here.I have tweaked it a fair bit and atm I intend sticking with it for quite a while, but will probably give FF 3 a run every so often to see if it improves.
I have Returnil Virtual System installed on my PC and use it when I'm trying out new software ie the Foxfire 3 browser I installed it and it was pretty fast compared to Ver. 2 but allot of the add-ons,themes have not been update as of yet.
After playing around with it for awhile and deciding I wasn't quiet ready to take the Ver. 3 plunge,I just rebooted my system and I was back to using Ver. 2 like nothing had happened.
If you don't have Returnil you can just use add and remove to uninstall 3 reinstall Ver. 2 and use your FEBE restore option backup to set Ver. 2 back to where it was before depending on if you have auto backup turned on with FEBE or you have done a recent manual backup. It functioned fine on my system just wasn't able to use my add-ons at this time,I will probably just give ita month or two and try it out again.
You people that want to play with FF3 without messing with your FF2 install just use the portable version. It is the exact same as the install version except it has all it's files in one folder and does not need an install. You can run it on your machines without touching FF2. No need to jump through all the hoops you are doing just to try out FF3 without messing with FF2.
The portable version's cache is set to zero and with no cache browsing is much slower.
That is easily fixed by going into the settings and changing that. In my experience setting the cache to 0 increased speed because FF is not using the disk for cache it's using RAM and RAM is faster than disk any day off the week. The only reason the portable version is set to 0 is to cut down on the read/writes to the thumb drive and decrease wear on it and increase it's life span.
Even if you couldn't set the cache to something other than 0 so what. The portable version is still a completely risk free way to try out FF3 with out touching FF2. When you are finished with it just delete the folder and be done with it.
The portable version is still a completely risk free way to try out FF3 with out touching FF2. When you are finished with it just delete the folder and be done with it.