Firefox 3 Colour Management capability.

Came across this information and the links by chance, but this Colour Management capability in Firefox 3 is turned off by default.

There's a bit to read, but I've altered the settings in my Firefox 3, and it does seem to make a difference. For me anyway.

Judge for yourself.;postcount=1

These are the changes I made in about:config.


A lot to read yes. But I trust you. So only having read half of it I changed my settings to yours.


I was actually surprised to see the differences when I tested Firefox 3.0.x vs Firefox 3.x in

I think the color management is enabled by default for Firefox 3.1 and Firefox 3.2. Also, looking up for gfx.color_management.enabled in mozillazine redirects me to gfx.color_management.mode, so I presume gfx.color_management.enabled applies only for Firefox 3.

I have this settings for Firefox 3.2a1pre


Your second link took me via MozillaZine (2nd off last link at btm of page), to a Colour Management addon.