Firefox 3.6.4 doubles RAM usage.

Updated Firefox on one of my computers to 3.6.4. This update has the plugins running in a separate process. Looking at the RAM usage in Process Explorer I see that it has doubled. The process for the plugins is called "plugin-container.exe". It is just feasting on the RAM. I was afraid of this happening when I seen Mozilla being monkeys and following the turd browser Chrome. So now Firefox is officially a POS to me.

I am going to start looking for a way to disable this useless feature. I don't get crashes on any browser except Chrome and that's the browser that's not supposed to crash because it runs everything in a separate process.

Been using it on and off the past few hours and the only memory increase is the typical right after I download a file it jumps from around 80-90 MB to well over 100 MB but that's typical, right now it's at 79.7 MB according to Process Explorer.

In Process Explorer I haven't seen anything about plugin-container.exe as of yet.



Your RAM usage for the plugin-container is not bad at all. Mine goes over a hundred. What is your Firefox exe RAM usage?

You sure have a crap load of processes running.

Not really a fan of the new plugin-container "feature". If FF crashes on me once every three months, that's a lot, and it's usually something boneheaded I did to cause the crash. I disabled the plugin-container...thanks, but no thanks.

Anyone interested in disabling it, set these five values in about:config all to false, then restart FF

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled - false

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npctrl.dll - false

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npqtplugin.dll - false

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npswf32.dll - false

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.nptest.dll - false

I don't see any real difference when going from 3.6.3 to 3.6.4

I am still under good old WinXP and I have just a few plugins and extensions (unMHT, SaveImages, Java, Flash, QT)


I'm using Firefox 3.7 at the moment, and I'm loving it.

Please correct me if I`m wrong,this is a beta version isn`t it ? I`m asking because I see that at the same date (june 22nd)the 3.5.10V had been released .

Please correct me if I`m wrong,this is a beta version isn`t it ? I`m asking because I see that at the same date (june 22nd)the 3.5.10V had been released .

3.6.4 is not a beta version. It's the most recent stable version. 3.5.10 is an older version that they are still providing security updates for. It will be discontinued at some point in the near future. Mozilla always provides updates for older versions for a while after a new version comes out.

I'm using Firefox 3.7 at the moment, and I'm loving it.

You showed a screen shot of the RAM usage for the plugin-container exe but did not show what the Firefox exe was using for RAM.

In case there are any Sandboxie + Firefox users who frequent this forum, the changes made in FF v3.6.4 to the plugin-container.exe is also causing problems with some sandboxes. More about that here. It's a long thread; most suggestions are to add plugin-container.exe to both, internet access and start/run, in the restrictions area.

3.6.4 is not a beta version. It's the most recent stable version. 3.5.10 is an older version that they are still providing security updates for. It will be discontinued at some point in the near future. Mozilla always provides updates for older versions for a while after a new version comes out.

If it is an old version (3.5.10)I still don`t understand why both versions were realeased at the same date.

Now I see that plugin-container running, not that big but still:


If it is an old version (3.5.10)I still don`t understand why both versions were realeased at the same date.

Same security patches.

Go to the Firefox home page you will see 3.6.4 is the download. That is the current stable build.

Now I see that plugin-container running, not that big but still:


It's settled down for me to. Shows up when you use Flash or another plugin. It was well over a hundred for me plus the Firefox exe was also so I wasn't impressed. It seems to release the RAM though and drops down to an acceptable level.

It's settled down for me to. Shows up when you use Flash or another plugin. It was well over a hundred for me plus the Firefox exe was also so I wasn't impressed. It seems to release the RAM though and drops down to an acceptable level.

Well, it's just a host for Flash, Silverlight, and others, so the real culprit here is Flash ;)

Anyone interested in disabling it, set these five values in about:config all to false, then restart FF

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled - false

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npctrl.dll - false

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npqtplugin.dll - false

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npswf32.dll - false

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.nptest.dll - false

While disabling things, you may also consider to disable the new "hang detector" - it has a tendency to crash Flash Player on certain sites. To disable it set dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs to -1 (or set it to a high value like 30 or 60 to prevent it from activating too soon).

The problem with Flash Player crashing as per my previous post is fixed in Firefox 3.6.6 that was released a few hours ago.
