So I'm confused! I noticed a Ff 2 release a few days ago at MajorGeeks I believe. What is Ff 3.0.3 that I'm using relative to Thank You!
It's the newer FireFox. FireFox two is being replaced with FireFox 3 but they maintain updates for older versions for a while. Eventually they will stop providing updates for FireFox 2.
Eventually they will stop providing updates for FireFox 2.
I hope they keep it around like they've did with the 1.x version for those of us that simply can't upgrade to v3 due to severe enough issues to warrant never trying v3. If they do completely phase it out I absolutely dread the thought of using IE or some skinned clone, and Opera isn't much of a choice either as it too has severe enough issues.
I hope they keep it around like they've did with the 1.x version for those of us that simply can't upgrade to v3 due to severe enough issues to warrant never trying v3. If they do completely phase it out I absolutely dread the thought of using IE or some skinned clone, and Opera isn't much of a choice either as it too has severe enough issues.
They still dropped support for 1.x and 1.5 and they will drop it for 2 eventually.
I don't know if you tried FF 3 Portable but it works perfectly for me compared to FF3 regular which gave me problems. Large speed increase over FF 2 and some other nice features.
I don't know if you tried FF 3 Portable but it works perfectly for me compared to FF3 regular which gave me problems. Large speed increase over FF 2 and some other nice features.
I've used FF3 Portable before on two separate occasions and two separate versions. Neither gave my any serious issues, only some that were more of an annoyance after using it for more than an hour were discovered however it wasn't anything significant, but enough to make me ditch it. After a few more versions I'll try the PortableApps portable edition.
Unfortunately I think I'm ultimately going to be IE bound, I just hope IE8 is a huge improvement security-wise, however I still can't get over the design which I don't like.