here I would like to add a request for another type of garbge known as


I hope nobody will disagree with me about this topic that

as the CCleaner's main motive is to clean disk

so the duplicate files are a kind of grabage which occupied unnessary space of disk.

Please include a FIND DUPLICATE FILES tool in CCLEANER!



(a request to other members please do not suggest me another freeware software for the same purpose, as we are here to talk about & improve CCleaner, not to promote other freeware softwares)

May I be one of the first to disagree?

This would take a month of Sundays to run, scan the entire contents of the disk, sort in filename order, report back duplicates.

There may well be, in a system of hundreds of thousands of files, a returned list of many thousands of duplicates/triplicates/nplicates.

How would a user know what the function of these files is?

How would a user know which duplicate is safe to remove, and which is not?

The forum would be filled with users complaining that their software doesn't work anymore.

I don't want this foolish bloat in CC.

May I be one of the first to disagree?

This would take a month of Sundays to run, scan the entire contents of the disk, sort in filename order, report back duplicates.

There may well be, in a system of hundreds of thousands of files, a returned list of many thousands of duplicates/triplicates/nplicates.

How would a user know what the function of these files is?

How would a user know which duplicate is safe to remove, and which is not?

The forum would be filled with users complaining that their software doesn't work anymore.

I don't want this foolish bloat in CC.

Sorry but I have to agree with Augeas on this one. Before I would even want to clean a duplicate I would wanna make sure I don't really need it and also note that some files may have same name but can be different for example one can be an exe file and another can be a bat file and so on. So with that in note CCleaner would become slow to use since before deleting these so called duplicates we have to spend a big amount of time making sure we don't delete something needed later.

Another vote for Augeas. You could do a lot of harm trying to clear duplicate files or folders off your system, without doing a lot of analysis.

However, that said, don't be put off by the initial lack of assent. We appreciate all suggestions, although we may not always agree with them.

As a frequent user of CCleaner, the last thing I want is for CCleaner to take longer to run :) That's part of the reason why I do not use the new "Wipe space" feature. I can use Eraser for that... I want CCleaner to clear out all my temp files and non-necessities as quickly as possible!

The others raise a good point... Without proper research, you could do some serious damage to your computer.


EDITED for typo.

OK I won't make any suggestions for other freeware apps



That's not a good idea, because it's hard to find duplicates. First, on what basis you want to find them? filename, file-content, both? And from where the software should know if the file is necessary for the system? Scan the windows-folder for duplicates and you will find much of them. But I never would delete one of them. I use a dup-finder especially for pictures (jpg) and movies, sometime office-documents, but nothing else.

A dup-finder has nothing to do with CCleaner, so let this task to other programs. I suggest AllDup ( It's free and available in german (and I think also in english).