Its pretty good, I must say, and I am currently using firetune and some other extensions. One anoying thing though, when I was installing Java, directly through their website, it popped up in the extensions list. I have since uninstalled Java, but it is still there in the extensions list, but with no option to uninstall it or anything:
Another thing that I reckon is lacking in it is that in IE it automatically blocks some cookies getting onto your PC, if they're bad, in Firefox, everything seems to go through.
Cheers for the info guys, I don't necissarily want Java, I just don't want is listed in the extensiions list either, as you can see the options are greyed out when i select it..
Whats wrong with me just signing into my various email accounts on the net?
If the mail accounts support IMAP or POP3, then you can use an email client to fast and efficiently check several email accounts at a time. You can also monitor the inbox and get notified when email arrives, etc.
You can also use filters and anti-spam stuff, etc. Maybe even encryption, digital signatures, S/MIME, GPG/PGP, etc.
Yeah, I agree with you, Ultimate Predator. Plus, most of those features are already on email services such as Gmail, so why bother? Google Talk notifies you when you get new mail, the emails are scanned for spam and viruses, there is plenty of space that most people will never even use up, etc. and so on...
And Windows Mail Beta has 2 gig of space as well, has scanning on it, eTrust already has Email scanning on it, and ZA Pro has email protection as well. So I really can't see the point....
psst. word of advice. dont have a lot of tabs open because that will make Firefox's Memory usage jump to over 50k(Mozilla says that this is a feature, but it's quite stupid to keep all the tabs in memory)
the more extensions you add, the slower firefox becomes. i know since i used to have about 28 on it and the load time on it killed it. it just did. not even Firefox Preloader did anything to improve the load time. in other words, a minimum of 5 or 10 extensiobs should be all you need.
im also willing to bet that tsepha hardly uses all of his extensions
so how long does it take for Firefox to accually load. or do you keep it in memory 24/7?
With 48 extensions, I would guess about 2 months or so.
And keeping all of your tabs in the memory is faster, which is why FF does it. After all, who wants to have to wait a long time to switch from one tab to the next? Not me! That is why I use tabbed browsing in first place; it is faster than having to search through a dozen open windows of IE.
And yeah, I would say that 10 or so extensions is a good healthy number. I personally have 9 right now, but that number tends to fluctuate. And my computer isn't terribly fast, but FF loads at a decent clip; maybe 8 seconds or so at most.