files list option - add to exclude list


Feature request 3:

exluded files - new option:

Option (right click) to directly add a row/file/folder from files list to exclude files list.



Wouldn't hurt to have this option but most of the time don't people exclude files beforehand because Defraggler presents a vast list of files that would be take up too much time to look through each selection individually?

Note: There is a forum called Defraggler Suggestions for a reason and instead of posting each suggestion individually you can present a list of them.

Sorry for posting in the wrong category, thought I was in the right one while in a hurry (feel free to move them).

The right click suggestion for adding files to the files-to-be-exlcluded-list might be for advanced users. I really hated to browse to four different folders to add them manually. Anyway, it is just a suggestion ;)

