Files deleted

I installed and ran the cleaner.

I pressed analyze, then Fix.

I did both the registry and the issues menus.

files deleted:

all desktop files

quickbar shortcuts


nothing else that i have noticed yet

I did not change any default settings (no custom folders, etc.)

I would like help understanding why this happened and how I can get files back. I'm running a recovery program, but don't want to pay $70 (if it even finds things).

I'm running Windows XP. CrappyCleaner version 1.26.218.

Thanks in advance...


also, I scanned the report and did not see mydocuments as a target

did you create a backup when prompted when you clicked on "Fix Selected Items"?

Your sure that you did not use any other cleaning programs? You didnt add any folders to ccleaner?

I'm not an expert on file recovery by any means and never had to really do it because I always make back ups of my data. I suggest you try this program to get you files back:

(only free one I have seen mentioned)

Question. Could it be that explorer.exe needs to be restarted? This would affect the desktop and such, but maybe not the My Documents folder.

See if typing, explorer.exe, in the run box > click ok > brings that stuff back.

That was my guess too krit but that wouldnt explain the files being deleted.

That was my guess too krit but that wouldnt explain the files being deleted.

Yeah, I was just hoping that they were temporarily unseen. I can't figure out how CCleaner would delete those files.

Yeah, I was just hoping that they were temporarily unseen. I can't figure out how CCleaner would delete those files.

i am hoping that too. I'll try the explorer thing... and i did select backups when prompted (although i only remember it for the registry fix...)

where are the backup files put? probably mydocuments... which would make for a nice laugh

i am hoping that too. I'll try the explorer thing... and i did select backups when prompted (although i only remember it for the registry fix...)

where are the backup files put? probably mydocuments... which would make for a nice laugh

Is there chance that you may have accidently made the contents of My Documents hidden? Try clicking Start > Control Panel > Folder Options and then click the View tab. Scroll down the list to the category labeled 'Hidden files and folders'. Click the 'Show hidden files and folders' button, click the Apply button, and click OK. Now open up My Documents and see if your files are there or not.

i am hoping that too. I'll try the explorer thing... and i did select backups when prompted (although i only remember it for the registry fix...)

where are the backup files put? probably mydocuments... which would make for a nice laugh

haha... :) Although it isn't really funny. :(

The backup prompts you to save the backup to place of your choice. It it is saved wherever you told it to save it.

The "System Tray Cache" option in CCleaner can stop the explorer.exe process, which would make your desktop and quick launch items disappear (but not deleted). I'm just not sure if it would make "My Documents" disappear as well. (I'll look and see)

The "Window Size/Location Cache" option in CCleaner will reset any saved Widows Explorer location and view settings.

Keep us posted dansnad. :)


no luck yet...

if my "mydocuments" folder is just set to the wrong path or something, how do i fix that? in other words, if theh files are still present but just not appearing (or coming up in searches)?

That is not cool. Try downloading DAF I am assuming that your files are not deleted.

1. Check everything in Box 5 and click GO. Note: If there are any registrations errors, please write them down and post them.

Still not working?

2. DAF > Tools > Repair Permissions

Still not working?

3. DAF > Tools > Reset WMI/WBEM/WinMgmt (I'm not sure if this is directly related, but it can't hurt ;) )

Now, if nothing has worked. Put your installation CD in, and when Setup starts click EXIT.

4. DAF > Tools > Purge sfc

5. DAF > Tools > SFC scan

6. DAF > click the green check mark > click GO

If your %TEMP% environment variable is set to your documents folder, then CCleaner will delete it without haste. Dial-a-fix tries to check for this kind of error and warn you about it, but as of v0.57.7 it is currently not 100% foolproof at figuring that out. Dial-a-fix v0.58 is going to be very good at detecting this kind of problem. CCleaner needs to start checking %TEMP% to make sure it does not match other environment variables and system folders.

This kind of problem could happen to anyone?

okay, getting somewhere?

I downloaded and ran DAF and got this scary error:

"%TEMP% variable is set to: "

DAF didnt indicate that TEMP was set to anything. It's blank. I assume that is not good.

DAF aborted after giving me the bad news. I'm going to contact Mr. Lizard and ask what to do now, and I'll be checking this post for all advice.

I feel like we are figuring this out at least. This is a very, very bad oversight/design in CCleaner.

That is not cool. Try downloading DAF I am assuming that your files are not deleted.

1. Check everything in Box 5 and click GO. Note: If there are any registrations errors, please write them down and post them.

Still not working?

2. DAF > Tools > Repair Permissions

Still not working?

3. DAF > Tools > Reset WMI/WBEM/WinMgmt (I'm not sure if this is directly related, but it can't hurt ;) )

Now, if nothing has worked. Put your installation CD in, and when Setup starts click EXIT.

4. DAF > Tools > Purge sfc

5. DAF > Tools > SFC scan

6. DAF > click the green check mark > click GO

There's a bug in DAF's display of your %TEMP% variable - it's not blank, it most likely matches %USERPROFILE%. This is fixed in v0.58 which will be out in a week or two.

Try this:

Start > Run > cmd.exe

echo %TEMP%


See if they match. If they do, that's why CCleaner deleted your files.

Right-click My Computer > Properties > Advanced tab > Environment Variables > and change the TEMP and/or TMP paths listed there to: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp <- change them to exactly what is written here.

okay, i did that.

%TEMP% echoed back as "%TEMP%"

%USERPROFILE% echoed back as "C:\documents and settings\dan" which is the folder that had my internet favorites, start menu contents, mydocuments, etc. - everything that was deleted. I am confident that CCleaner targeted that folder (It's one hierarchy level above the actual mydocuments folder).

I looked in the mycomputer settings to change the variable values... and didn't see either TEMP or TMP anywhere in the list. I had no variables in the personal variables (upper list) and about 12 in the system variables (lower list). I added %TEMP% and %TMP% as variables with the language you suggested for the values.

Any suggestions on the best file recovery software?

There's a bug in DAF's display of your %TEMP% variable - it's not blank, it most likely matches %USERPROFILE%. This is fixed in v0.58 which will be out in a week or two.

Try this:

Start > Run > cmd.exe

echo %TEMP%


See if they match. If they do, that's why CCleaner deleted your files.

Right-click My Computer > Properties > Advanced tab > Environment Variables > and change the TEMP and/or TMP paths listed there to: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp <- change them to exactly what is written here.

I've seen this suggested by good people, but I haven't tried it myself.

O&O UnErase

The problem is, if you continue to use your computer (especially to install recovery software) you will overwrite bits of your data. You essentially have to stop using your computer and perform the recovery on the drive from another machine. At my shop, I usually use Ontrack EasyRecovery Pro. None of my recovery software is free, though, and it always requires hooking up the drive to another machine as a slave. Any data you change on this drive will make it that much harder to recover your documents.

DjLizard's suggestion is best but if you don't have the wherewithal, try Restoration 2.5.14

It's free and it doesn't have to be installed (runs from floppy or USB stick). It works well if used immediately but if a file has been overwritten, it may recover gibberish.