Files are still there

I had this program reccomended to me, I tried it and it seemed to do the job but as a guess I went to my computer's search and typed "temporary" and it came back with like 400 some mb worth of temp internet files. I thought this was suppsed to delete those? Any help? I am using Vista.

Welcome to Piriform chill111.

I had this program reccomended to me, I tried it and it seemed to do the job but as a guess I went to my computer's search and typed "temporary" and it came back with like 400 some mb worth of temp internet files. I thought this was suppsed to delete those? Any help? I am using Vista.

Well if you open CCleaner and click on Options\Advanced the top checkbox says Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 48 hours, just remove the checkmark. Thats the first thing you should try then clean again. ;)

and it came back with like 400 some mb worth of temp internet files
It is also a good idea to limit the size of Temporary Internet Files as by default it is set to a large amount of hard disk space.

In IE go to Tools then Internet Options then Browser history Settings and move the slider down to 100MB which should be good for a days browsing.

Welcome to Piriform chill111.

Well if you open CCleaner and click on Options\Advanced the top checkbox says Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 48 hours, just remove the checkmark. Thats the first thing you should try then clean again. ;)

Most of the files are still there after doing this. When I manually try to delete them it asks if I want to permantely delete it and then says it does not exist and asks if I want to create it.

Most of the files are still there after doing this. When I manually try to delete them it asks if I want to permantely delete it and then says it does not exist and asks if I want to create it.

If I go to settings and "view files" it shows nothing. But if I do a computer search for just "temporary" it brings up over 2000 objects.

If I go to settings and "view files" it shows nothing. But if I do a computer search for just "temporary" it brings up over 2000 objects.

Hello chill111,

Welcome to the forums. :D

"Searches" are funny programs to say the least.

It depends on whose "search" you are using and when.

The reason this happens is the "search" index files that are being used are not current yet.

You look for the files and they are not there because they have been deleted.

The index still lists them and they will be that way until a new index is created.

This is what is happening.

You also must remember that CCleaner is only cleaning the Temp files for the current user.

Any other users Temp files will still remain until they are CCleaned also.

The person who recommended CCleaner is a good friend. :P

Follow the other members advice also; this will help you keep your "Temp" space to a minimum.

:) davey

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

Beginners advice

Start here with this link and follow its advice.

Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.

Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

Are you specifically looking at the Tempoprary Internet Files folder or some other location(s)?

"Searches" are funny programs to say the least.

It depends on whose "search" you are using and when.

The reason this happens is the "search" index files that are being used are not current yet.

I turn off Allow Indexing Service on all of my systems as a performance enhancement.

Open a Windows Explorer window to the operating system drive then click on Properties then un-select the Indexing Service check box


A good referenceTurn off Indexing Service