Filehippo downloader

I hate sneaky. Filehippos' usual green Download Latest Version link may have "includes download manager" underneath in small font. If it does, there's a link directly below the big green link, that leads to a clean install without FH's download manager.

Some apps have this manager paired with it, some others don't.

That is way you use the Technical Tab and go to the original developers website and download the software for there.

Filehippo is moving all their software to their little download manager. It has been posted here a couple of time thanks to Hazelnut that spotted it.

Oh yeah, I remember that thread. I didn't notice FH's download manager change-over till just recently though.

(old member reporting in)

I discovered an alternative:

Filepuma doesn't have all the previous versions though sadly but (for present) no download manager either.

(old member reporting in)

I discovered an alternative:

Just another alternative:

This site does not have too many ads and does not use the download manager.

It also has the previous versions of programs. This is a new site but it already has all Piriforms programs:

Just another alternative:

Welcome to the forums! It's a good looking download site.