FileHippo App Manager not recognising new Speccy Update

I've updated to the latest version of Speccy (v1.32.740) but when I run the FileHippo App Manager I keep being told that my installed version is and then keep being offered the update again. I notice the new version and my installed version (according to FileHippo) have similar version numbers, the difference being the addition of 26 in the version number. which FileHippo says I have on my computer. On clicking "About" on Speccy the version number shows as v1.32.740.

Is this an error in wherever Speccy stores its version number information on my computer or is it a FileHippo error? The relevant FileHippo page is at

I am using the 64 bit version on Windows 10.

The devs have been alerted to you issue


Has there been any developments in resolving this issue? Unlike the old version of the FileHippo App Manager it is not possible to hide a version of a updated programme so everytime I run FileHippo I keep being offered this update even though it is already installed on my computer.

I realise that there are probably more pressing matters for the devs to be working on and it's not an issue that is causing me any problems (it's easy enough to just ignore the update notification) but obviously I'd rather not see the notification.

The version of FileHippo App Manager that I am using is v1.47.0.103. The old version did allow the user to hide specific updates but that version was replaced about two or three years ago if I recall correctly. The only updates that can now be hiden are beta versions of software.