File List incomplete/bare on certain drives v2.19.982 (64) Win7

Complaint: File List incomplete/near-bare on certain drives

DF version: v2.19.982 (64 bit)

Windows 7 Professional SP1

CPU: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core @ 4.01GHz


Drives SATA except one USB.

If DF is run as admin or not it does not matter as it requires elevation and the results are the same.

PC is a home computer not used in business.

On on two identical drives the number of files shown in the file list is very low.

There are hundreds of thousands of files available on the HDDs.

Therefore the great bulk of the files on those disks are never defragmented.

These are not hidden or otherwise attibuted in a way that would make them inaccessible to any program. I use the files randomly every day. The drives do not seem to have any failures.

The command line (DOS window whatever) DIR /s > list.txt gives me a proper if not endless list of the files directory by directory. The text file so generated is >50MB in size.

Total Files Listed:

       699,452 File(s) 658,948,380,741 bytes

       252,540 Dir(s)  231,457,497,088 bytes free</strong></span>

There is no good reason I can think of that these are not being enumerated. I have not seen this problem before and DF has been used by me on 6-7 computers but none with the affected drive type. It would be very interesting to see any suggestions about this.

The following is after Analyzing each drive.

discs apparently reported properly in File List:

Samsung SSD 840 Series 250.0 GB

(the system disc, 38% fragmented, 23% free)

Hitachi HUA723020ALA640 2000.3 GB

(generic storage disk, 0% fragmented, 44% free)

ST31000340AS 1000.2 GB

(a USB-connected external drive, 0% fragmented, 10% free)

discs improperly reported:

ST1000MD003-9YN162 1000.2 GB

(shows me one folder entry and one file, both of which are a couple levels down from root.)

(generic storage disk, 0% fragmented, 23% free)

ST1000MD003-9YN162 1000.2 GB

(shows me about 55 folder entrys and files at various locations)

(generic storage disk,2% fragmented, 85% free)

Thank you in advance for useful comments.


Note: the 2TB fixed disk Hitachi HUA723020ALA640 is not affected by this phenomenon.

In the attachment, cyan is in use, gray is empty, red is fragmented. The files are "seen" by DF in that way but they are not enumerated in the file list.

DF will only show files with fragments in the file list. This means that all the other files don't have any fragments - which kinda makes sense as it's showing 0% defragmentation. :)