File Finder trouble

I really like 'File Finder' functionality. However I'm having an issue with at least one of the folders and subfolders. I've tried differnt combinations in 'Match by' fields, but I'm checking in the following folder: 'K:\dmitriy\TiDima\Photos from Android\' (no special characters). It contains 2 subfolders. 'Photos from Android' and one of the subfolders has some duplicate files. Filenames are of this format: 20131112_190144.jpg. They are images from Samsung that I moved to my computer. So, the problem is that it doesn't find any duplicates at all. It says "File Seach has completed", but not a single match on results

Welcome to the forum

I suggest that you post the complete full length path and file name of two specific files which you consider to be duplicates.

Also a screen shot showing the File Finder settings you have selected,

and also is there anything specified under the EXCLUDE Tab.

Files are in the following folder:

K:\dmitriy\TiDima\Photos from Android\20131112_190120.jpg

K:\dmitriy\TiDima\Photos from Android\20131112_190144.jpg

K:\dmitriy\TiDima\Photos from Android\20131123_173600.jpg

These are just examples, but there a lot more. Duplicated files are under

K:\dmitriy\TiDima\Photos from Android\20131112_190120.jpg

K:\dmitriy\TiDima\Photos from Android\20131112_190144.jpg

K:\dmitriy\TiDima\Photos from Android\20131123_173600.jpg

Here's an example of settings I've selected:

Like I said these i just examples. I've checked every permutation: size by itself, name by itself, modified by by itself, name-size together, etc.

In the EXCLUDE tab there's an exclusion on my F-drive, which is a USB stick. K-drive is my drive where i keep my data.

A side question: I see that Alan_B responded 3 days ago. Was there supposed to be some kind of an email notification as I didn't get any. I just checked this forum and was surprised that there was a response and it was waiting for my comments.

Hey dmitriy1980

Please read this post titled "File Finder: reliable, save or not ?"

There are a lot of bugs within the File Finder function

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File Finder ought to have checksum validation to minimize false positives.

Perhaps version 4.13 now has checksum validation included but not yet documented,

and now rejects files with dissimilar hashes.

I refuse to consider 3 different files and 4 different settings - far too many combinations and permutations.

Please post screenshots of the properties of just two files so that we can see the exact sizes and all three timestamps for each file,

and also post the checksums for those two files.


This is portable software and computes and compares hash checksums


I just had a look on version 4.14.4707 still no checksum validation.

I performed same tests as I mentioned in link provided in #4 still get no hits on my end.

Files are exactly the same.

as for #4 I actually did read it before creating my post.

Sorry, but your opinion is not, in my opinion, solid evidence that the files are identical.

Screenshots of the properties of each of two alleged identical files will show if there is any difference in the quantity of bytes,

and also show if they have different time stamps "Created" and "Modified".

ALTERNATIVELY we could consider the possibility that two files are fully identical BUT,

possibly related to being moved from a camera to your P.C. (possibly at different times and in different ways),

they have different "ownership" properties and perhaps different ACL's (Access Control Levels),

and that "File Finder" is thereby prohibited from accessing one or both files.

To investigate this might involve the use of Cacls or iCacls, depending on your unknown version of Windows.

If you do the wrong things with either Cacls or iCacls then you could lose your own access to those files, so I will take this no further.

Sorry, but your opinion is not, in my opinion, solid evidence that the files are identical.

I agree with this statement.

I have played with File Finder for a while now in my opinion rather manually confirm visual by opening the files then delete the files.

File Finder needs a lot of work to get it to work.

I gave up after trying all combinations possible on sorting my files using File Finder.

(Still have the files hoping one day File Finder will work as advertised)

@Alan_B. It was a copy from a camera. I will check the properties tonight; thanks for response.

You could use HashMyFiles by NirSoft to compare the files.

HashMyFiles is a small fast standalone exe.

it opens a window on the desktop

You can drag & drop one or many files into it for comparison.

Here you go:

As state within #4 link the File Finder capabilities withing CCleaner does need a MD5 (SHA1 or any other) checker.

You will not win with the File Finder as of date as it has lots of problems dmitrity1980


In the picture the two files are the same but in different folders (as shown in the "Full Path" column).

You can repeat the HashMyFiles process for all your questionable files.

The app will highlight all identical files with the same color, and will display checksum hashes for each file.

You can delete the duplicates if you want to.

If hashes are the same and the file looks the same, it is AFAIK the same file.

Don't know why CCleaner didn't show them as duplicates. The developers read all these posts and make changes as needed.

Don't know why CCleaner didn't show them as duplicates. The developers read all these posts and make changes as needed.

Thanks. Exactly my point and the reason why I created this post.


Wasn't sure what you wanted, that's why I ran on a bit. Sorry if I told things you already knew.

I'm sure the devs will appreciate your post.

The point of my post was to raise an issue and see if I was doing something wrong. I do believe it's an issue with the software and hopefully devs can check it out and resolve it as I love CCleaner and use it everywhere. Thanks for help guys.

The point of my post was to raise an issue and see if I was doing something wrong. I do believe it's an issue with the software and hopefully devs can check it out and resolve it as I love CCleaner and use it everywhere. Thanks for help guys.

This issue was raised 28 February 2014 after they introduced, File content duplicate detection to File Finder. Since that date two releases was maid and this problems still remains.

With File Finder being so easy to configure, I never had any doubt you did something wrong configuring the variables of finding duplicate file. This coming form someone who has played with File Finder extensively after 4.11.4619

Actually hash checksums are a red herring in this situation.

Expert informed opinion is that :-

no one should assume that an apparently duplicate is really a duplicate and safe to delete unless the checksums are identical ; and

CCleaner File Finder can be dangerous because it shows as identical files those which are actually different,

because it does not yet included hash checksums.

This is a TOTALLY different situation

File Finder is NOT finding these files to be duplicate even though it does not reject on the basis of different checksums.

There are several perfectly valid reasons for File Finder to ignore these duplicates :-

1) Your own settings - you have chosen to avoid considering files that are "Read Only" or "Hidden" or "System",

in which case you need to cancel those "Ignore" settings.

2) "File Ownership" and "Access Control Levels",

I am happy to use Cacls or iCacls (depending on version of Windows) to observe such characteristics,

but NOT confident that the outcome of such powerful tools would be good for you - unless you enjoy having to reinstall Windows B)

I did try all permutations in the Ignore section as well.