File exception?

I use a custom temp folder so I can easily clean this out quickly without going through buried folders like windows or documents and settings. Problem is some software like my wallpaper cycler saves the current wallpaper in the temp folder. So I am not able to use CCleaner to delete this folder under custom folders because I see a serious lack of an area to put a file exception. I don't want it deleting my wallpaper file titled "NuonSoft WPC Wallpaper.bmp" is their any way to make this file not be deleted by CCleaner?

Using winapp2.ini as a template to get you started in making your own entry for your particular temp folder you can tell CC exactly what to remove in that folder, such as: *.tmp, *.bak, *.junk, etc., without ever touching your .bmp file.

However as a general rule of thumb and for the safety of your files don't store any important files in a temp directory - that's what the My Documents folder is for, also there's a wallpaper folder built into Windows which you could use located in C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper.

Using winapp2.ini as a template to get you started in making your own entry for your particular temp folder you can tell CC exactly what to remove in that folder, such as: *.tmp, *.bak, *.junk, etc., without ever touching your .bmp file.

However as a general rule of thumb and for the safety of your files don't store any important files in a temp directory - that's what the My Documents folder is for, also there's a wallpaper folder built into Windows which you could use located in C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper.

Yeah the application gives me no choice on where to store it. I contacted them on the forum and they said in the next version not this one comming they would make it a choice. So who knows how long that could be.. it could be a year or so :( I'll try that winapp2.ini but it would be nice to have a method for saving a specific file name because I don't want to save all bmp's just that single one.

I don't see how this is going to help me. The issue is I have a file I don't want deleted from the temp directory. Problem is I don't see no exceptions in winapp2.ini either. It's really starting to look like I need to look at alternatives to CCleaner since it is missing a very serious feature.. exceptions for files that are not to be deleted.

The easiest solution if it's only one .bmp or a few is to permanently move them into a safe folder that isn't touched such as "My Documents\My Pictures" or "Windows\Web\Wallpaper"

However if you're gonna be stubborn and want to keep using that temp folder you can clean it safely with a batch file by having it:

* first move the file(s) you want to keep to another location

* second delete the stuff you don't want

* third move the file(s) you want to keep back into the original location

Example batch file named (modify if you want for your own needs): Clean.bat

move "C:\Temp\bitmap image 01.bmp" "C:\Keep"move "C:\Temp\bitmap image 02.bmp "C:\Keep"dir "C:\Keep"pausedel "C:\Temp\*.*"move "C:\Keep\bitmap image 01.bmp" "C:\Temp"move "C:\Keep\bitmap image 02.bmp" "C:\Temp"dir "C:\Temp"pauseclsexit

These lines move the images to a safe directory such as C:\Keep in the example so that they won't be accidentally deleted during your cleanup:

move "C:\Temp\bitmap image 01.bmp" "C:\Keep"

move "C:\Temp\bitmap image 02.bmp "C:\Keep"

These line lists the contents of the C:\Keep directory and pauses the operation so that you can confirm the two example bitmap files are indeed in C:\Keep:

dir "C:\Keep"


This line deletes the contents of the C:\Temp folder:

del "C:\Temp\*.*"

These lines move the contents of the C:\Keep folder back into their original location C:\Temp:

move "C:\Keep\bitmap image 01.bmp" "C:\Temp"

move "C:\Keep\bitmap image 02.bmp" "C:\Temp"

These lines list the contents of the C:\Temp directory and pauses the operation so that you can confirm the two example bitmap files are indeed in C:\Temp:

dir "C:\Temp"


These lines auto-close the batch file for you:




To find out exactly how to use the Command Prompt tools built into Windows you can view their help files via a command prompt by typing in one at a time:

move /?

del /?

dir /?

copy /?

xcopy /?