Fighting online trolls

Just something intresting.

Some forums just have to enforce the law a bit more in some cases.

What do you guys think Yes / No ?

That article is specifically about Social Media platforms (Facebook/Twitter etc) which are totally different to ordinary forums.

Yes, the article is specifically about Social Media platforms and the law part is not just for social media platforms.

The Lords committee was quite correct in that existing legislation can be applied to online acts.

Part 1 of the Public Order Act 1986 covers abusive and threatening words and writing likely to cause distress.

Parts 3 and 3A cover the dissemination of material aimed at stirring up racial, religious or sexual hatred.

The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 includes online stalking.

The Malicious Communications Act 1988, which is very broad in scope, sanctions sending grossly offensive, indecent, threatening or false electronic messages for the purposes of causing distress.

And the Communications Act 2003, even wider in scope, sanctions the use of a public communications network for sending grossly offensive or menacing messages.

Forums has Private messaging which can be abused as well...

What do you guys think Yes / No ?

Just fight trolls with some super cookies, these kind of super cookies.

Forums has Private messaging which can be abused as well...

Most forums have rules about this.