FF addon site now sucks.

Just noticed that Mozilla "upgraded" the addon site. Well I hate it. Normally I go to the site and select the section that will show all the newest or updated themes and addons. No way to do that now. They have a link to show "recommended" addons or popular addons but no link for newest or updated. Ya think somebody might be interested in whats new and updated? Mozilla doesn't think so. Oh by the way they don't even have a section for themes any more. They are now mixed in with some addons in a section called Themes And Appearance. There you can sort through themes and extensions that alter the appearance of Firefox. If this was April 1 I would think they were joking but it isn't so I have to assume they are serious. Shouldn't be surprised after seeing the retarded GUI of Firefox 3.

Yes it bad take long time to find as need to look at allpost-16440-1206650194_thumb.png try to find Foxy Tunes take a long time by the way it work for IE & Firefox :rolleyes::rolleyes:


They have botched it badly. You need to click your rear end off to get to info that you need and could get in one click before.

I would love to be a fly on the wall at one of the planning meetings they have when they decide what they are going to do. I can just see it now. "Lets put all the useless info thats not needed on the front page and easily accessed. Than we will put the important stuff 50 clicks deep and completely bury it. Firefox users will love it. They will think they are using something designed by Microsoft" :lol: The scary part is that there had to be many people who signed off on it before they released it. It's scary to think that many idiots work in Mozilla.

Hey, it looks nice, but you're right, it's now a pain in the butt.

Hey, it looks nice, but you're right, it's now a pain in the butt.

It's a joke. Why do I picture some snot nosed little punk with fifty earrings in his face being the creator? Also why do I think that recently updated or added addons and themes might be of interest to people? Could it be because I am not a snot nosed little punk with 50 earrings in my face? I can't even begin to understand why they bury that info so deep.

There is a link in each category that says "last updated first". That will show you all the latest updates in each category.

While I agree there should still be a link for all new updates I like the category view too.

There is a link in each category that says "last updated first". That will show you all the latest updates in each category.

While I agree there should still be a link for all new updates I like the category view too.

It's not just the trying to find the newest updates. You need to drill into the site to find things that were there on one click before. For example you want to find the date of the releases you have to click on the addon than scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on expand beside advanced info than you can see the date. There is no version compatibility info at all anymore it's totally missing.

No themes section anymore. It's buried into an addon category called Themes And appearance which is a combination of themes and addons.

The site now reads what browser you are using and limits you to addons that are compatible with it. So forget about downloading an extension for Firefox 2 if you visit the site with FF3. Maybe you want to download it because you want to look inside the addon or modify it or what ever.

I started a thread on the Firefox Forums yesterday about it. It has 3 pages and 44 posts and almost 700 views already. Many unhappy people with the site that's for sure.


I first looked at it and was like "Yay new GUI!!!11!!" and then I got what you were saying and was like "Boo, this sucks." So unintuitive, and hard to find everything. I read your topic and you are so right.


It's not just the trying to find the newest updates. You need to drill into the site to find things that were there on one click before. For example you want to find the date of the releases you have to click on the addon than scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on expand beside advanced info than you can see the date. There is no version compatibility info at all anymore. it's totally missing.

Sort of answered your own problem here. :P

The site now reads what browser you are using and limits you to addons that are compatible with it. So forget about downloading an extension for Firefox 2 if you visit the site with FF3. Maybe you want to download it because you want to look inside the addon or modify it or what ever.

While I agree the site isn't the most efficient and that I dont even really like it(I liked the first add on site the best actually. The one they had before the one they just replaced), I do like the fact that they are reading which browser your using to determine which ones work and only showing you those. I think it makes it easier to see which add ons you can actually use without worrying about it either not working or crashing the browser. The problem of course is that they provide no way to opt out of this and show all updates.

The site looks nice and it could actually be better than the old one if they would just add in an advanced search or something that lets you sort/search through stuff the way you want.

I'm using 3 beta right now and it can just search for extensions from within the add on manager. Pretty nice. :D

Sort of answered your own problem here. :P

Too much work to get that info though.

One positive thing I can say about the site is that you get to the Sandbox addons and themes easier. When you finally get a list of extensions there will be a check box to "show experimental addons". This lists the addons and themes that are in the sandbox. It's easier to do than before.

For once someone's pissing and moaning paid off. :lol:

I found an add-on to Adblock Plus called Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper.

For once someone's pissing and moaning paid off. :lol:

I found an add-on to Adblock Plus called Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper.

What do you mean?

For once someone's pissing and moaning paid off. :lol:

I found an add-on to Adblock Plus called Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper.

Nice find....thanks. :)

It seems that browsing for extensions especially themes became a challenge. The old site functioned very well. The new one just sucks, big time. Why do they have to mess up something that is fixed?

It seems that browsing for extensions especially themes became a challenge. The old site functioned very well. The new one just sucks, big time. Why do they have to mess up something that is fixed?

Because the people who designed the site are snot nosed little punks with 50 earrings in their faces. The piercings got infected and and spread to their brains. Now they are probably brain damaged and should be working for Microsoft. :P All joking aside I agree with you. There was no need to mess with it and if they were going to it should have been an improvement.

I didnt find it that hard to navigate personally. And I really don't care one way or the other what they do with their site, as its their site not mine. :)

Oh, and thanks for the addon andavari. good times!

You can always subscribe to the RSS feed to get first hand notice of new or updated add-ons::


I didnt find it that hard to navigate personally. And I really don't care one way or the other what they do with their site, as its their site not mine. :)

If you are in the site as often as I am and are used to the info being right there than the new set up is terrible.

Well my thread on the Mozilla forums is really becoming amusing. It has 88 replies almost 2000 views and 6 pages in two days. The responses are brutal. The site has been getting trashed. It's been called everything you can think of. Crap, sucks, blows, and garbage are just some of the descriptions people have for the new site. The people at Mozilla were even called Gay Nazi by one person because of a blog entry they wrote :lol: One guy dumped Firefox and went to Opera. One person suggested getting all the addons you need now and not going back to AMO as a protest. It will be interesting to see if these pierced faced designers will make any changes. They are probably to busy telling each other how cool they are and deciding whether to get their tongue pierced or ass tattooed. I just hope they redo it.

One person suggested getting all the addons you need now and not going back

I personally download via right-click and save all the add-ons I like, because after doing a clean Firefox install once it was hard to remember exactly what I used.

Anyways if someone needs a Firefox .XPI add-ons installer I made one, it's just a .REG file that allows you to install .XPI add-ons via right-clicking and selecting install, or the traditional double-clicking to install them. It's available at: http://www.mediafire.com/?nj3ht21j3n3