I recently found out that although I don't use Firefox as a browser, it is tied to my usage of Mozilla
Thunderbird. It has been saving up cookies without my knowledge. Although I do a clean of my PC almost every day, I am not sure it is also looking at Firefox and not just Internet Explorer. I see a
heading for Internet Explorer, but none for Firefox. I see that Firefox is included in my CCleaner software, so what must I do to include it in the cleaning operation?
Also, I have recently changed my email address from Comcast to ATT. How to I change my registration to reflect this change?
Shy, when I get home (or at the latest tommorow during work )I'll install a copy of thunderbird and getting a better feel for why the mozilla section (under apps) is not showing on your ccleaner and/or make you a winapp2.ini entry. can you please (in the meantime) let me know your Operating system version(windows 7, vista, XP, 98) (and if you are not using the latest version of thunderbird that as well)
lol stuff got in the way, i've yet to do this. . . does anyone with winapp2.ini knowledge use thunderbird, this would make it easier as I'll actually have to wait til any install I make makes cookies. . . . mmmm that sounds tasty. . . thunderbird cookies
thundercookies! I'll grab it now and edit in anything I find later.
Edit: I see nothing for 'Cookies' relating to thunderbird, but there are user specific cache folders. Thunderbird doesn't have a browser built in, so I don't see how you'd obtain cookies from running it. Please enlighten us?