Feedback and ideas!

Hi Al,

I've just joined Piriform and will be involved formulating our product roadmaps, so you will be pleased to hear that all of your suggestions will be noted and considered as and when we come to the roadmap backlogs and when we discuss prioritisations etc.

I'll be checking in on a reasonably regular basis, so will keep eye on these threads

Please keep them all coming!



Well my name isn't Al, but I'll comment anyway. :)

"formulating our product roadmaps"

Do you mean looking at your business plans? Or are you bringing out a sat-nav application?

First suggestion- try using plain English and not corporate buzz-speak, more people will understand you, especialy those who don't have English as a first language.

i have understand his english very well :) and his english is better than my version of english B)

Well my name isn't Al, but I'll comment anyway. :)

"formulating our product roadmaps"

Do you mean looking at your business plans? Or are you bringing out a sat-nav application?

First suggestion- try using plain English and not corporate buzz-speak, more people will understand you, especialy those who don't have English as a first language.

Hi nukecad,

Sorry I did mean to write "All" and not "Al"!

Yes sorry, I must try harder to lose the "corporate speak". Old habits die hard, as I did come from large organisations where it was almost required unfortunately!

So please allow me to rewrite in plain English! :lol:

"I'll be working with everyone to create the future plans for the Piriform software products. And I'll be sure to include the most important requests from the community along with our requirements from all our other users."

Hope that is better? :D

Cheers Paul,

I was writing tongue-in-cheek and having a bit of a joke.

You should hear some of the gobbledygook spoken, and written, at meetings in the Nuclear industry.

Darn it, I was hoping for a sat-nav application.

Anyway, welcome, Paul. :)

You do realise that there is now a rumour going round the internet that Piriform is bringing out a sat-nav app? :)

You do realise that there is now a rumour going round the internet that Piriform is bringing out a sat-nav app? :)

If it's on the internet, it must be true. :o

edit: Possibly call it the Piriform Perambulator.

Based on the place/sub forum where this call for "Feedback & Ideas" is placed, I assume that Piriform thinks that they will prioritize the development of products that are "Cloud related".

Does this mean that Piriform doesn't intend to improve/develop further other Piriform any more ? Like e.g. the "buggy" Defraggler ? That program still requires A LOT OF time to get rid of all or most of the existing bugs. Perhaps Piriform can put more time into improving Defraggler.

Darn it, I was hoping for a sat-nav application.

Sometimes they don't even know where the location is. :lol:

@Willy2 I think they go hand in hand as (I've been lead to believe) cloud seems to run (basically) portable piriforms on remote PCs

To be frank: I HATE the "Cloud". I tried it for while but my internet connection is (from time to time) "not too reliable". So, I wasn't able to ALWAYS access my documents in the Cloud. No more Cloud for me (for the time being). And no, I don't use any smartphone (yet ???). So, the usefulness of any of the Piriform "Cloud" programs for me is (close to) zero.

To be frank: I HATE the "Cloud". I tried it for while but my internet connection is (from time to time) "not too reliable". So, I wasn't able to ALWAYS access my documents in the Cloud. No more Cloud for me (for the time being). And no, I don't use any smartphone (yet ???). So, the usefulness of any of the Piriform "Cloud" programs for me is (close to) zero.

Not sure that's what this thread means by feedback ;) also I think you're misreading the cloud part of this. Think of it more as a sysadmin panel from which to perform ccleaner, defraggler and speccy on multiple machines without physically being at the client machines and/or installing on each pc.

I see, that makes much more sense.

Based on the place/sub forum where this call for "Feedback & Ideas" is placed, I assume that Piriform thinks that they will prioritize the development of products that are "Cloud related".

Does this mean that Piriform doesn't intend to improve/develop further other Piriform any more ? Like e.g. the "buggy" Defraggler ? That program still requires A LOT OF time to get rid of all or most of the existing bugs. Perhaps Piriform can put more time into improving Defraggler.

Hi Willy2 :)

Yes, good point! I didn't want to spam the forums with the same post in each product area, and I wasn't sure this warranted its own sticky. So I just posted in C3 (CCleaner Cloud) as that is my initial focus and probably is the least mature product of the range.

However, we do know the other products needs some love as well and you will be pleased to hear we are still developing and bug fixing all other products as well. ;) As you can imagine, as we are quite a small company, we are trying to juggle the dev resources the best we can! We are still working out what we are going to be working on in the coming months, so hope we can share bit more info in due course.

You do realise that there is now a rumour going round the internet that Piriform is bringing out a sat-nav app? :)

That would be funny if the rumour spread worldwide! :D

@Paul Piriform: Piriform could start with adressing the (comparitively) small bugs in Defraggler. I came across a few and I have reported those (small ??) bugs in a separate thread here on the forum.:

(although I doubt I would qualify to be a Piriform "Power User", I love to "torture" the Piriform programs I do use).

Hello Paul,

I have posted many suggestions here in the forums, but for most of them I did not hear any feedback.

The most important suggestion is Update-Manager (

Please have a look at it and read it.

Here is the rest of my suggestions for CCleander Cloud:


Different Icons in CCleaner Cloud (

Prevent Standby (

Starting Virus Scan on Clients (

CCleaner Cloud for Android (

CCleaner Cloud for Windows 10 Mobile (

CCleaner for Windows 10 Mobile (


Problems with Sandboxie in CCleaner Cloud (

Support Portable Browsers in CCleaner Cloud (


Show remaining time at Defraggler (

Defrag takes Hours (

Show Drive Map in Modern View (


Enhanced S.M.A.R.T Values (

Different Temperatures CCleaner Cloud vs. Speccy (


Display Glitch in Windows Update (

Scheduled Windows Updates (


Computer Icon for Virtual machine (
