When I re-read my 27 page acceptance speech it seemed not to say exactly what I wanted.
It was difficult to explain the overwhelming feeling I have got by knowing that 5 people in the world think mine was the best
World 6,764,314,288
05:49 GMT (EST+5) Mar 04, 2009
It took days of crayoning to produce my desktop, hours in which neighbours gladly gave their free time to do my washing, ironing and general housework. My husband did 2 straight weeks of nightshift to buy the crayons (tip here, look at their shares prices now)
Once the bandages had come off my fingers and I posted my desktop here, it was worth the pain, although I still cannot get the taste of crayon out of my mind.
When I re-read my 27 page acceptance speech it seemed not to say exactly what I wanted.
It was difficult to explain the overwhelming feeling I have got by knowing that 5 people in the world think mine was the best
World 6,764,314,288
05:49 GMT (EST+5) Mar 04, 2009
It took days of crayoning to produce my desktop, hours in which neighbours gladly gave their free time to do my washing, ironing and general housework. My husband did 2 straight weeks of nightshift to buy the crayons (tip here, look at their shares prices now)
Once the bandages had come off my fingers and I posted my desktop here, it was worth the pain, although I still cannot get the taste of crayon out of my mind.
When I re-read my 27 page acceptance speech it seemed not to say exactly what I wanted.
It was difficult to explain the overwhelming feeling I have got by knowing that 5 people in the world think mine was the best
World 6,764,314,288
05:49 GMT (EST+5) Mar 04, 2009
It took days of crayoning to produce my desktop, hours in which neighbours gladly gave their free time to do my washing, ironing and general housework. My husband did 2 straight weeks of nightshift to buy the crayons (tip here, look at their shares prices now)
Once the bandages had come off my fingers and I posted my desktop here, it was worth the pain, although I still cannot get the taste of crayon out of my mind.