Features I'd like to have in futures releases CCleaner

Well I introduce myself, my name is Diego and I am new to the forum and the first thing I read is something like things I'd like in CCleaner.Well, I thought it would be great that not only supports the current versions but also alternative web browsers,for example Arora, Midori, K-Meleon and Chromium (development versions).What do you think?.Correct me if i put the post in the in the incorrect place.Thanks for all.

Ccleaning for those browsers is already possible using the winapp2.ini function. Check out this sticky.

Ok,it's a good idea,but for a normal user it's very hard to do.Would not it be easier if the developers of the program is included? The thing is to facilitate the work of optimizing your pc to the user, and that's not the best way to do it. Do not you think?. Anyway, thanks for answering. A greeting.

Sorry for mi english :).

Its actually quite simple to make a winapp2.ini entry, and has even been partially automated by a program called Easy Winapper, written by a member of the forums (I don't recall who it is, I'll look for it and put in a link when I find it.)