Feature suggestion: Better uTorrent support

I know that there is some support for uTorrent, but I think a good addition to it would be the ability to clean out the old .torrent files in %appdata%\uTorrent. uTorrent tends to leave them behind even after you've finished with and deleted them from within the client. Don't think it would be that hard to implement/add in a newer version.

Thanks for any consideration!

This would be possible if not for two things

1) None of the files are in use unless ?Torrent is open, in which case they'd all be deleted, causing you to lose all of your torrents (thus being unable to continue seeding or downloading, etc)

2) Even when ?Torrent is open, it doesn't put a lock on the files, which again results in the torrent files being deleted.

A member brought this up here and raised the issue for support on the ?Torrent forums but the Administrator didn't seem to keen on supporting this.

It was asked for a long time ago in the add-on file for CCleaner called winapp2.ini (not to be confused with the person Winapp2.ini) and was refused since it would be too dangerous by removing active torrents.