Feature Request

The following two features would be exceptionally useful for me:

1. The ability to delete the remenance of any roaming profiles from a hard disk. (In the documents and settings folder.)

2. The ability to delete any folders in the windows directory that begin with a $. (Such as the $NTUninstall*$ directories and $NtServicePackUninstall$).

Cheers and thanks for an awesome program!,


#1 is extremely risky because of the rare possibility of deleting a real account... and the difficulty. It's also not something the average user will be doing often (or ever). If you're an administrator and have to do this often, write a script or applet.

#2 is not recommended out of sheer principal.

1. The ability to delete the remenance of any roaming profiles from a hard disk. (In the documents and settings folder.)

2. The ability to delete any folders in the windows directory that begin with a $. (Such as the $NTUninstall*$ directories and $NtServicePackUninstall$).

make these option optional if decided to add into CCleaner... i want to keep my...

Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong with this rule? - It doesnt seem to have any effect...

[Windows Backups]




$* this is not a vaild CCleaner command. You need the full path name.

$* this is not a vaild CCleaner command. You need the full path name.

That shouldn't be the problem.


Should be:


That shouldn't be the problem.


Should be:


Still doesnt work :(

Does it make a difference that these folders are, by default, hidden, read only and compressed? Or is it the $ character that is confusing CCleaner?

This won't work, for security reasons, as the second parameter "$*" only applies to files and not folders.

This could be achieved with:

Public Sub CleanPatchArchive()   On Error Resume Next   Dim fs, f, f1, fc   Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   Set f = fs.GetFolder(Environ("windir"))   Set fc = f.SubFolders   For Each f1 In fc       If f1.Name Like "$*$" Then           fs.DeleteFolder Environ("windir") & "\" & f1.Name       End If   Next f1End Sub

I second what DjLizard said!

CCleaner is a safe cleaner, having it mess with whole profiles or windows backups would make it an unsafe cleaner that the average user would eventually make a grave mistake because they wouldn't know what they're doing, hell even an experienced user could shoot themself in both foot. I can only image the complaints that would spawn up all over the forum with people saying it deleted a profile, it deleted a Win backup and now a service pack can't be removed, etc.