please include a feature to optimize registry.
This would speed up a lot of systems!
like in NTREGOPT
this writes all keys completely new, so that registry will be smaller.
please include a feature to optimize registry.
This would speed up a lot of systems!
like in NTREGOPT
this writes all keys completely new, so that registry will be smaller.
That feature has already been requested many times. For now you can use NTREGOPT, or RegCompact.NET.
RegSeeker can clean the registry however it won't rebuild it from scratch.
Page Defrag can also do this
You are wrong, I'm afraid. Page Defrag from Sysinternals does not remove empty space inside the registry. If the registry is in pieces, it only joins into one continous area.
I see
I tries it out and it works verygood
thanks for the tipp with NTRegOpt
I use both NTREGOPT and PageDefrag, as they do different jobs.
In the documentation for NTREGOPT, it even says specifically that it doesn't physically defrag the registry, like Sysinternal's PageDefrag, it compacts the registry.
To achieve the maximum benefit, I think you need to do both. PageDefrag is worth having for the other files it defragments, in any case.
Advanced Uninstaller Pro 2004
Advanced Uninstaller Pro 2005
Both of these versions have the Registry Cleaner, Registry Optimizer, and many other system and cleaning utilities. It is like JV16 Power Tools.