This is my first time posting to this forum. I have been using CCleaner for a while now and recommending it to friends.
I often use the three Tools screens "Uninstall, Startup and System Restore". I was going to install some software today and was thinking that it would be nice if there were element counts for the "Uninstall and Startup" screens. (Maybe the System Restore but not as interested).
That way before and after I install something I can quickly check the counts and know how many items were installed (some software (example: printers) install more than one) on the "Uninstall" screen and how many new startup items were installed in the "Startup" screen.
Additionally for "Startup" screen it would be nice if the count included active, disabled and total values. This would allow to quickly check if a previously disabled element (example: Java update checker) was actived (when it previously had been disabled) when the new software was installed.
I don't know how feasible this is (or if it interests anyone else) but thanks in advance for giving me the chance to present it.