Feature Request: Advanced include options

Thank you for your great product! I use it all the time and love it! :)

There is one feature which I'd really like to see added into your application. I'd like to see more advanced custom include options.

I am running an application that has many sub folders, going a few levels deep, all of which contain tons of log files. It would be really nice to be able to recursively clean all log files below a given base directory. This app does not clean up after itself, which is rather annoying. My coworker also runs this app at work and eventually managed to crash his computer by filling up his C: with many Gigabytes of log files.










Could this advanced cleaning feature be added in a future version?

Welcome to the Piriform Forums Spookstaz! :)

This functionality already exists via a making a winapp2.ini entry.

Just an couple of examples based upon what you've posted:

[*MyApp (Logs)]LangSecRef=3021Detect=HKCU\Software\MyAppDefault=TrueFileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\MyApp|*.log|RECURSE

[*MyApp (Logs)]LangSecRef=3021DetectFile=%ProgramFiles%\MyApp\MyApp.exeDefault=TrueFileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\MyApp|*.log|RECURSE

Also see the Beginners Guide which details some of this. However if you aren't sure about your creation of a winapp2.ini entry download and look at the actual winapp2.ini file for ideals of how to make it work, etc. It's easier to see how a working entry works versus making one from scratch - especially if it's the first one you make.

You could also post what you've made just to make sure it doesn't nuke anything on your system!

Worked like a charm!! Thank you so much. :D
