Heres a list of ideas i thought would be good to add to the CCleaner program.
1. system restore point cleaner
2. hibernation log cleaner
3. components cleaner
4. webclient/publisher temporary file cleaner
5. compress old files cleaner
6. error log cleaner
7. option where you can choose a hard drive to clean
8. update feature so you can update from the program itself
9. thorough scan feature for both the cleaner and registery cleaner
10. feature that allows you to exclude a folder from scans
11. scanner that finds and removes unneeded files such as: copyright files, license agreement files, read me files, html files and other unneeded files like that.
Item 6: Windows log clean (excl error) is already an option. Error logs can be useful, usually a few seconds after you've cleaned them.
Item 7: The files that CC cleans only reside on the system disk, which CC I think assumes is the c drive. It would not be wise to attempt to clean temp files on a drive where they should not be. If these files have been placed on a non-sys drive then the Include option places the cleaning responsibility in the user's hands. The option to choose a drive would however help those who have a system drive which isn't c.
Item 8: You can press Check for updates from the program, do you mean something more sophisticated?
Item 6: Windows log clean (excl error) is already an option. Error logs can be useful, usually a few seconds after you've cleaned them.
Item 7: The files that CC cleans only reside on the system disk, which CC I think assumes is the c drive. It would not be wise to attempt to clean temp files on a drive where they should not be. If these files have been placed on a non-sys drive then the Include option places the cleaning responsibility in the user's hands. The option to choose a drive would however help those who have a system drive which isn't c.
Item 8: You can press Check for updates from the program, do you mean something more sophisticated?
Item 9: What does this mean?
what i ment by updates is you can download updates dirrectly from the program instead of going to a website to do it