New documents released by the FBI show that the Bureau is well on its way toward its goal of a fully operational face recognition database by this summer.
New documents released by the FBI show that the Bureau is well on its way toward its goal of a fully operational face recognition database by this summer.
It would be interesting to find out just how many of those 52 million people belong to Facebook.
Darth Vader - "Now witness this fully operational face recognition database."
52 million isn't really much if you consider how many people there are on this planet.
USA : 318,892,103 inhabitants (July 2014 est.)
And they say 52 million photo's, not photo's of 52 million different people which is a huge different.
Just google for a "famous" person and look at how many photo's there are already of him/her.
Ache, can I ask you one question? If you have never been arrested for anything in your entire life, how would you feel about the FBI having your picture and/or personal info on file? (Please read paragraph #3 in hazelnut's link)
Years ago I was subject to a federal background check so that I could get an I.D. tag to drive onto the grounds of Brookhaven National Laboratory in order to deliver construction materials when they were building one of their colliders. Later on I delivered materials to the Shoreham nuclear reactor site while it was being built, and also worked there when it was decommissioned years later. So I'm sure my picture is on file somewhere in Washington D.C., and I certainly don't want it included in any FBI image database, because of the fact I'm not a criminal, and never have been.
In the aftermath of the Flight 800 crash, I've personally seen how the FBI operates. And I don't like what I saw. I believe they have an already established agenda prior to the start of an investigation, have already reached their conclusions as far as the results of the investigation, and do not allow anyone, eyewitnesses included, to make any statements that contradict their findings. And if someone decides to speak up anyway with a public statement, they are unmercifully intimidated and harassed by FBI agents. Believe me, I've seen this first hand. And if you don't believe me, then just read about their treatment of Dr. Steven Hatfill as a suspect in the anthrax attacks that took place during and after 9/11.
Face Book Inspector.
Face Book Inspector.
Free Bacon Inside.
Not really thrilled about this. They were probably in on the whole Heartbleed thing too.
Every one will be in a database somewhere at some point in time this is a fact,
If you have a I.D, passport, drivers license, or even if you want to adopt a dog at the SPCA you will be assimilated in a database.
The FBI can just target the Department of motor vehicles, DOD, prisons then hospitals and get most of your information. So that will give them a nice heads start .
Scary, yes !
Inevitable, yes !