I downloaded Google Chrome and use to delete the history manually as the CCleaner 2.11 didn't have support for this browser. But when I download 2.12, I ran it, it cleaned all my history, but when i went on it again, the favourites were missing, both from the Other Bookmarks tab, and from the bookmarks under than web adress bar. I thought this myt be a virus but it was not
I thought this myt be a virus but it was not
Hi Andy,
Sincerely, Welcome to the forums.
We really appreciate your report and your taking time to become a member to do so.
This problem may be common to all users but to find out please provide the following information.
You may be provided with a work-around for this situation but we really need this information to help resolve this situation.
Just fill in the answers next to or below the questions?
CCleaner version ?
What Language did you request at install,if any?
OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ?
Browsers and ver.?
Security software and ver?
Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)
Edit out any Personal info with XXXs Do not delete anything, please.
Are you using a winapp2.ini file?
Answer "Yes" if you do and please explain its contents or provide a brief listing.Otherwise answer "No".
Best wishes,
The CCleaner Guide is your first source of information.
http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com
Bookmark & save to Favorites
P.S. You are a smart user to do some scans for malware when strange things occur.
All PC users should do this.
Also experiencing this problem with Chrome and seems to be since the new version of CCleaner, with my setup most bookmarks remain, but I get random deletion of bookmarks within Chrome.
Windows XP home 32bit SP3
Avast 4.8
Chrome Beta (Not dev) version
CCleaner version 2.12.651
CCleaner ini....[Options]
UpdateKey=07/27/2008 10:18:44 PM
(App)Old Prefetch data=True
(App)Google Chrome - Saved Form Information=False
Cleaner version: v2.12.651
What Language did you request at install: English
OS: MS Windows XP SP3 32 bit version
Browsers and version: Google Chrome
Security software and version: AVG Free Edition 8.0.169
Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file:
(App)Autocomplete Form History=True
(App)Custom Folders=True
(App)Google Chrome - Internet Cache=True
(App)Google Chrome - Saved Form Information=True
(App)Hotfix Uninstallers=True
(App)IIS Log Files=True
(App)Menu Order Cache=True
(App)Mozilla - Download History=True
(App)Mozilla - Saved Form Information=True
(App)Old Prefetch data=True
(App)Opera - Cookies=True
(App)Start Menu Shortcuts=False
(App)Temporary Internet Files=True
(App)Tray Notifications Cache=True
(App)User Assist History=True
(App)Window Size/Location Cache=True
UpdateKey=09/20/2008 12:13:22 AM
Are you using a winapp2.ini file: No
I downloaded Google Chrome and use to delete the history manually as the CCleaner 2.11 didn't have support for this browser. But when I download 2.12, I ran it, it cleaned all my history, but when i went on it again, the favourites were missing, both from the Other Bookmarks tab, and from the bookmarks under than web adress bar. I thought this myt be a virus but it was not
The same thing happened to me but only when I ran CCleaner for the first time.
Lucky for me I could do a restore from a save state using http://www.parhelia-tools.com/
Any solution to this issue yet, I notice theres a .660 release with a minor fix for chrome, cant find any release notes so whats fixed??
The favourites issue.
Give the new release a try and see how you go now with your chrome problem.
Brilliant, nice fast reply too I just gave it a whirl with all google options checked, seems fine for me
, nothing missing that shouldnt be
Nice solution all round
Welcome to the forum by the way W33d3r
Thank you kindly Hazlenut. And big thanks to the devs of CCleaner this has been a long standing favourite - in fact essential utility for me on a par with spybot, avast and malwarebytes. Never had a problem with it before chrome but understandable a bug or two might not be noticed considering chrome is still beta and developing fast. I think the way chrome updates too and maybe changing background assets, may cause some shifting targets for you guys. Keep up the good work anyway, very much appreciated.