[False Positive] Norton rejected CCleaner


I just tried to download the new version of CC Cleaner and my Norton program checked it and deleted the download.

See below:

Filename: ccsetup548.exe

Threat name: WS.Reputation.1Full Path: D:\downloads\ccsetup548.exe



On computers as of

10/25/2018 at 9:58:04 AM

Last Used

10/25/2018 at 10:00:35 AM

Startup Item




Threat type: Insight Network Threat. There are many indications that this file is untrustworthy and therefore not safe


ccsetup548.exe Threat name: WS.Reputation.1


Very Few Users

Fewer than 5 users in the Norton Community have used this file.

Very New

This file was released less than 1 week  ago.


This file risk is medium.



Downloaded File  from filehippo.com

Source: External Media



File Actions

File: D:\downloads\ ccsetup548.exe Removed


File Thumbprint - SHA:


File Thumbprint - MD5:528e3913041c1a85e6de53382ea5549c

Thanks and have a FUN day!


The file has (or perhaps had) low reputation because it is very new. We did submit the file to VirusTotal well in advance of the release, you can see it here:


Thanks! I'll wait a few days and try again.

Hi Chevyone, you can probably try again now. I downloaded it and norton, after doing one of it's "extended" checks, (which normally only happens when it's going to fail a file), ultimately, said ccleaner548.exe was safe so, they must have upped it's reputation.

FYI that WS.Reputation.1 type of threat isn't worth a whole lot in my opinion. It doesn't indicate any specific type of threat, it's based on a reputation score attained from data from the community, and is assumed a threat due to that, but when you boil it down it's not technically a threat, it's just possibly a threat based on what others say, so is about the only one where restoring a personally trusted program from quarantine is viable IMO. If in doubt restore it then upload it to something like Virus Total for a 2nd opinion (but to do this you still have to restore the file since Norton doesn't let you upload quarantined files to something like virus total for a second opinion without restoring it first, it's almost like they don't want you to get a 2nd opinion).

Thank you sir. I just download and installed and Norton indicated it is "safe".

Thanks again and have a FUN day