F.E.A.R. demo

A demo for F.E.A.R. was released today i have been looking forward to it for some time and thought you guys may want a look.

Bittorrent download: http://www.filerush.com/download.php?targe...r_spdemo_en.exe

Edit: I have now played it and Swwwweet what a wicked game. I will be definitely buying this game. Check out the screen shot from when i was playing it and in slow mode image18qs.th.jpg Nice

game looks kool and ran pretty good but the demo was to short to impress me enuff to buy it,...., maybe if they put out another demo or maybe a coop-multiplayer demo

It was to short for me to just as i got in to it the dam things ended but from what is playable I'm buying :D . A complete level demo is definitely needed.