Hi, I signed up for the 1 year free trial of eTrust EZ Antivirus and got an email leading to the link I need to download. The link downlaods to only 2% (109kb) then stops. Ive tryed re-downloading it very many times throught this whole week. Can somebody please attach the exe file for me, I have the licence key so all I need is the acual program. Thanks in advance.
Try and download it from another computer, then transfer via USB.
Nope, same problem...
By another computer, I mean a friend's house or even a public library, downloading the installation executable onto the USB drive.
It sounds like you may have a network issue.
Download another anti-virus software. There are ones which is not free trial, they free forever...
I already have norton, I've just heard good things about this particular one so I want to give it a try. If it dosen't work then I guess thats ok too. I'm just asking if anybody has the exe file on their computers and would be willing to attach it to this thread. I doubt that it is a network problem, all of my other downloads work fine and I've even tried turning my firewall off. I think it might be a server problem they are having.
Can somebody please attach the exe file for me, I have the licence key so all I need is the acual program. Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I've only got 500k to work with and the EZ Antivirus trial is 4.19 megs. If it makes you feel any better, it downloaded just fine for me.
Oh well, if you have Norton then you might aswell try something else. Cant be much worse.
Norton AntiVirus does have a better detection rate then EZ AntiVirus does. The resource usage is in favor of EZ AntiVirus. I would keep Norton AntiVirus until your subscription ends then install EZ AntiVirus or anyother antivirus..