Extremely Slow Defrags

Hello Everyone, Decided to try out defraggler and am getting some odd findings. I'm getting Extremely slow defrags on my backup hard drive. Its only 1Tb so I wasn't expect a really fast defrag but almost a whole day to defrag? That I wasn't expecting...

OS: Windows 7 Pro x64

Antiviris + Internet Security: Vipre

Drive: WD 1TB Hard Drive

Defraggler v2.15.741 (64bit)

Any Help would be appreciated.


what is the 1TB free space ?

what does DF show as the fragmentation % ?

is the backup drive internal or external ?

SSD or HDD ?

if external, is it USB2 or 3 or eSata ?

He's not alone in this. I just downloaded Defraggler again because I'm such a fan of CCleaner. From memory Defraggler has always been slow, painfully so.

I've actually just completed a fresh install of Windows 7 on a pair of Western Digital Black FAEX 1TB drives in RAID 0, finished all Windows updates and installed a few of my favorite programs and games to give me something to do right away, but I thought I would runn CCleaner and Defraggler just to make sure the house is in order, so to speak.

Well, apparently my BRAND NEW installation of Windows has 22 hours remaining, according to Defraggler. Yeah, seriously. My RAID 0 array is 97% free space and Defraggler wants to take 24 hours to defrag the 3% of space actually occupied by files...

It doesn't even appear to be doing anything, for the most part. For a defrag process there isn't much HDD activity going on. One would think with a quad-core, multi-threaded CPU and 6GB of RAM it wouldn't take a whole day to defrag a fresh Windows install with barely a handful of appliacations installed. App needs some optimization I think.

My system:

Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.67 GHz


2x 1TB WD 1002FAEX Black Edition in RAID 0

nVidia GeForce GTX 760

I see that this discussion is really old and not solved yet, unfortunately.

Defraggler is really SLOW on my i7 950 3.00GHz, 24 GB RAM system.

HD is the Windows 7 x64 OS 1TB Seagate Barracuda, I would say enough fast, used 50%.

Defraggler is saying more than 1 (one?!) day to complete a QUICK DEFRAG...?! Quick. .. for a normal defrag I should park this computer and buy a new one to work in the meantime..?!

Do not understand really ... is the PRO version running faster!?

maestralien, Pro only offers some extra candy. Same defrag program. And ignore the guesstimate, it's never accurate.

Did you actually try to defrag? If you quit during defrag nothing is damaged or lost. You can simply start it again.

Another option is to defrag only the files. It's sohhhh fast. Tick ☑ Filename WsbsOgA.png and click Defrag Checked.