Extra cleaning

I have multiple accounts on the computer and find it a real pain to have to log in to each one to clear out their dross.

I added their temp folders etc into the Options/Custom area but (i) the process is tedious in the extreeme as CC doesn't remember wich directory you are in when you add a second folder meaning you ave to re-negotiate the folder tree each time and (ii) all these settings are wiped when you upgrade!!! :angry:

Would it be possible to add in every users temp folders as standard (or if nothing else, don't trash the Custom folders data on upgrading!) :(

At the moment you can't have it automatically clean other accounts, but I *think* it is a planned feature.

If you just install the upgrade over the old version it *should* keep all your settings and custom folders.

At the moment you can't have it automatically clean other accounts, but I *think* it is a planned feature.

If you just install the upgrade over the old version it *should* keep all your settings and custom folders.

:( Nope - custom folders disappear with each upgrade - a real PITA :(