Hello Sprinty and welcome to the forum. First, do not delete this file, it is a system file that stores file information such as timestamps, read/write permissions and so on. Deleting it could lead to filesystem chaos and a non-working computer. This is why Microsoft has made it a hidden file.
However, since this is third party information, and I have never tested it (nor do I care to), proceed at your own risk! Please do not hold me accountable for any bad results!
There is an 8.2 on the way, it may become 9.0, I think it has a name "Threshold" - but that was yesterday and today I forget.
Perhaps we have been visited by a Beta Tester because Microsoft want to make their next version of Windows compatible with Piriform's range of products
The last thing I read was that Microsoft was skipping the 8.2 version and going straight to the 9.0 release. Reported timelines vary, from a wildy optimistic April 2014 to a more likely January 2015. Maybe Sprinty could elaborate on exactly what he has and where he obtained it.
To follow up on post #2, I opened an elevated command prompt and entered "fsutil resource info c:\" and found the space used by Tops was 368MB. Then I entered "fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\" and exited. After a system restart, there was about 30 seconds of high disk activity. Then I entered the first command again and found the space used by Tops was 2MB. So this command does clean out the Tops data file, whether or not it is defragmented in the process is another issue.