exported registry file is always empty

Everytime when I trying to export registry before cleaning (for safety) I get blank exported ".reg" file with only "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" text inside (it weigh about 82 bytes). Yes ofcourse CCleaner succesfully finds unneeded registry strings, so CCleaner's window is not empty before exporting. It started appearing in Win8.1 and now my PC upgraded to Windows 10 (x64 Pro Russian language) and still the same issue. Already tryed to reinstall CCleaner (free latest version), launching with Admin rights and in compatibility mode.

You're trying to export before it cleans?

I think it will only create the .REG backup as it is actively cleaning.

You're trying to export before it cleans?

I always export it when ccleaner asks me "would you like to backup registry entries that will be fixed now?" (it is standart CCleaner's built-in feature, I don't know why you don't know about this feature...)

I think it will only create the .REG backup as it is actively cleaning.

No. It wonderfully works on my other PCs as I said

Just tried it.

If you open the .reg backup file before you click on "Fix Issue" the last time, the file will indeed be empty.

After you "Fix" it, it will contain the backup file, which you can open and read, or reintegrate into the registry.

The buttons in order are:

1. Fix Selected Issues

2. Do you want to back up changes to the registry? Yes

3. Clicking Yes and saving the backup creates the file, but it is still empty.

4. In the next window, clicking Fix Issue deletes the registry entry and fills in the backup file.

5. If you click Close instead of Fix Issue, the .reg file remains empty.

Hope this helps. :)

(it is standart CCleaner's built-in feature, I don't know why you don't know about this feature...)

I know very well about the feature, I've been using CCleaner for 11 years. Hopefully the post login123 made will help you.

You're trying to export before it cleans?

Yeah, that was key phrase :lol:. I am a bit of stupid. Sorry, we just didn't understand each other then

If you open the .reg backup file before you click on "Fix Issue" the last time, the file will indeed be empty.

After you "Fix" it, it will contain the backup file, which you can open and read, or reintegrate into the registry.

thank you, guys, you are the best :D

I tried it on win xp. It is not a new situation.

If you have been using CCleaner as described in post 1 or post 3 it's possible that you have a set uf useless reg backups.

You might check the old ones to see if they contain anything other than "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"