Bring back the Exit button and make the update link on a button?
This has been discussed and they have said no. The exit button was redundant. There is a big X at the top right, use that. You can also use Alt + F4
Yes,but not like other "Exit" buttons,this one was in very good positon and it works.
Can't understand why it has been removed,but it's your program and you deside what to do and what no.
By the way great program,may be the greatest I've ever use.
If there are mistakes,excuse me,I'm not from England.
It was redundant.
See where that big red X is? It's there for the very purpose of closing the application. The Exit button was taking up space on the GUI and a few lines of code as well to do exactly what the X is made for.
I think that it is good that it was removed, less clutter on the interface. Cleaner look, easier to use.
I agree, the interface does look cleaner and more consistant.
I can see why it was liked, it was bigger than the X, which meant a faster EXIT.
Which I liked.
Like the other guy said, you guys are the ones in charge of it, so do whatever you want with it.
Still a great program.
I'll try to live without the EXIT button, even though I did personally like it.
I can see why it was liked, it was bigger than the X, which meant a faster EXIT.Which I liked.
Like the other guy said, you guys are the ones in charge of it, so do whatever you want with it.
Still a great program.
I'll try to live without the EXIT button, even though I did personally like it.
You say "you guys are the ones in charge of it" No one on this forum other then MrG the developer of the program in charge of the app. Us lot along with you and other members of the forum simply suggest ideas with the hope he agrees and implements them in future CClceaner versions.
On the Exit button i can see how some people likes it but one of the many reasons i like ccleaner is how small it is. It does the job much larger programs only dream they then can do and anything which makes it smaller and cleaner to look at are always a good thing.
You say "you guys are the ones in charge of it" No one on this forum other then MrG the developer of the program in charge of the app. Us lot along with you and other members of the forum simply suggest ideas with the hope he agrees and implements them in future CClceaner versions.
On the Exit button i can see how some people likes it but one of the many reasons i like ccleaner is how small it is. It does the job much larger programs only dream they then can do and anything which makes it smaller and cleaner to look at are always a good thing.
Englishmen, i thought Tarun was one of them (developers), I read his replies at 430am, so relax, no big deal
As for the EXIT button, my original statement still stands.
I liked it, but I can live without it.
I personally can not see why you need an extra exit button,as long as you can close cleaner when youv'e done.
you could have 20 exit buttons but you can only use one at a time.
Tarun is just a user like me and you. When you say "I read his replies at 430am, so relax, no big deal" what are you talking about?
err, at least to me, if im up at 4:30 am im not exactly at my full brain capacity. I think that is what he was refering to.
My Stand - No need for the old exit button. Why was it ever there?