I searched the forum and really found nothing on this. Does Defraggler support PGP Whole Disk Encryption? C:/PGPWDE01 is a file that should not be moved during fragmentation. See KB for more info:
We use the command line version (df.exe) of Defraggler and it doesn't allow specific exclusions.
Also, it should be noted that the new version of PGP (version 10.0) now has a new file that should not be moved: C:/PGPWDE02
Hi scotty, and welcome to Piriform.
I think the devs would be the only ones who could answer the support question, but I do believe the command line version of Defraggler recognizes the Defraggler INI file, which when created, resides in the same folder as df.exe.
If you go to "Settings\Options\General Tab" and select "Save all settings to INI file", then any exclusions you set within the main program, will be picked up by df.exe.
I can't find any direct mention of this in the Defraggler documents, but I have a recollection of this being brought up previously, and maybe one of the members conversant with Defraggler command line will be able to confirm this.
Hope that helps.
If it does pull this from the INI that would be great!
Can anyone confirm if DF.exe will pull exclusions from the .INI?
I've searched back through old threads, and although I've found a lot of references to df.exe and the INI file, I can't find anything which confirms it either way. The many posts about it are probably what's stuck in my mind.
What I'll do is pm the devs about this one, pointing them to this thread, and hopefully you'll get confirmation about it either way.
It's Friday night here in the UK, so Monday I would think would be the earliest my pm would be picked up.
In the meantime, one of the other members may chip in.
No hurry. Thanks for the help
You're welcome, I hope you get a response.