Exclude specific Jump List from being cleaned

Hello there,

I recently started using Jumplist-Launcher and I was wondering how I can exclude its jumplist from being cleaned by CCleaner. I have no problem with CCleaner cleaning jump lists, but I would like to keep this specific jump list, for obvious reasons. (I am not talking about pinned items, so let's keep them out of this discussion.)

Is there a way to do it, if so, how? (Do I add the Jumplist-Launcher exe to the exclude list?!)

If not, I would like to make a suggestion to that extent.

Any help is appreciated!



Where are jump lists saved to? The registry? Some other file? What is CCleaner cleaning when "Taskbar Jump Lists" is checked?

You can Analyze and view the deatails of what will go,

and then you can add to exclusions.


I fail to see how that answers my questions. I've run Analyze, with "Taskbar Jump Lists" checked and unchecked, I see no difference in the details section.

Assuming you use the latest version of CCleaner, having analyzed then :-

Right click upon one item and select View detailed results - that shows individual files/paths in that item; or

Right click on empty space and select View detailed results - that shows individual files/paths for all items.

If you still cannot see any difference, perhaps it is NOT controlled by the check against ""Taskbar Jump Lists".

I use XP and do not know how W7 implements Jump Lists (JL).

If you want to solve the problem yourself I suggest that you :-

Launch CC and then close it and confirm the JL is still with you;

Launch CC and Clean files (but NOT registry) and test JL;

then if JL is dead it should have been in the detailed results but you did not recognise it,

but if JL is alive then launch CC and clean the registry in your normal fashion,

and if that kills JL it is the registry cleaning you need to reduce,

but if JL is still alive you should look for something other than CC as the culprit.

Once you know if the registry of the file/folder cleaning is the problem,

you can uncheck all the check boxes and then use CC with only one box checked to see if that kills JL,

and if not then try again with a different box checked.

That process always gives me the answer in 10 minutes - quicker than waiting on a forum ! !



Yeah, but while waiting for a reply, I can do other things...


Took a quick look at the detailed info, nothing helpful there.

@Alan_B Jumplists is a reg/junk (not reg integrity but it cleans a special key) so does not list results in result section

[Taskbar Jump Lists]

MR_T or other developer can you answer this one? I find it unclear when things cleaned are special key so I'm not sure where to do this from either (thus my watching this thread ;) )

@Alan_B Jumplists is a reg/junk (not reg integrity but it cleans a special key) so does not list results in result section

Please clarify.

What aspect of CCleaner could remove the Jumplist,

file cleaning or Registry Issue fixing ?

I assumed this jumplist was probably somewhere in the File System,

and would be shown after "Analyze", and also after "Run Cleaner".

If instead it is in the registry I expect to identify it in the "Scan for Issues",

and if I "Fix Issues" I expect the default back-up to clearly identify what has been fixed

(clear as daylight to M.$., possibly opaque as mud to me until I go for google.)

Is the Jumplist held in the Registry, or in a standard file, or is it something else ?



Jumplist is in the Cleaner section

However there are entries in the cleaner section (winapp and winsys) which remove certain registry entries (Most notably lists of previously opened files, such as MS Office, Realplayer etc); Jumplists MAY be of this ilk.

Certain entries in WinApp and Winsys use what the developers call "SpecialKey" these are usually found in browsers but do show up in a few other entries; Jump Lists are of this ilk.

Only the developers can define "SpecialKey" (i.e I, or even TwistedMetal, could not create a winapp2 entry that used "SpecialKey=" as they are defined elsewhere is the program.

Again we will be forced to wait for Mr T or other developer to answer the question of how to exclude (if possible) certain programs from JumpList Cleaning

Thank you for explaining.

Supplementary questions :-

1. When the WinApp and Winsys entries delete a "SpecialKey", is the option of a REG backup given ?

2. Are "SpecialKeys" and "JumpLists" new with W7, or are they also in XP ?



"SpecialKey" is more a ccleaner thing. Forinstance Firefox items (e.g. cache) are specialkey

[Mozilla - Internet Cache]

However as we are getting off topic a bit, I ask the Moderators to please spin the Special key posts to a separate topic :)

Again we will be forced to wait for Mr T or other developer to answer the question of how to exclude (if possible) certain programs from JumpList Cleaning

I thought I asked a simple question, but it would seems there is a lot more to it, so I do hope they will drop by give us their insight.


I have installed 2.34.1200, one of the new and improved items: "Improved jumplist support to avoid possible UI lock.".

Which reminded me again of this topic. Is there a direct way to contact the devs other than through "Premium Business Support"?

Just PM them.

Select "Compose New" in your messenger and enter their title in the Recipient's Name box, ie MrT.

Done, thanks.