Assuming you use the latest version of CCleaner, having analyzed then :-
Right click upon one item and select View detailed results - that shows individual files/paths in that item; or
Right click on empty space and select View detailed results - that shows individual files/paths for all items.
If you still cannot see any difference, perhaps it is NOT controlled by the check against ""Taskbar Jump Lists".
I use XP and do not know how W7 implements Jump Lists (JL).
If you want to solve the problem yourself I suggest that you :-
Launch CC and then close it and confirm the JL is still with you;
Launch CC and Clean files (but NOT registry) and test JL;
then if JL is dead it should have been in the detailed results but you did not recognise it,
but if JL is alive then launch CC and clean the registry in your normal fashion,
and if that kills JL it is the registry cleaning you need to reduce,
but if JL is still alive you should look for something other than CC as the culprit.
Once you know if the registry of the file/folder cleaning is the problem,
you can uncheck all the check boxes and then use CC with only one box checked to see if that kills JL,
and if not then try again with a different box checked.
That process always gives me the answer in 10 minutes - quicker than waiting on a forum ! !