How do I exclude Slack from cleaning with CCleaner?
How do I exclude Slack from cleaning with CCleaner?
@Wolverine Man: Are you using Custom Clean? If so, Slack would be a checkbox under Custom Clean > Applications and in the Applications section (after you scroll down from the browsers:
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your response. Yes, I was aware of the Slack checkbox in the Applications tab of the Custom Clean.
That Slack checkbox is unchecked (first screenshot), but CCleaner still tries to clean it. The messages that come up are in the second screenshot.
The issues that this causes is that CCleaner needs to shut down Slack in order to analyze it. I get that. Understood. But when CCleaner shuts down Slack, Slack is not restarted. Not realizing that this was the behavior for CCleaner, I ran for a couple of days without Slack being active on my desktop and I was missing messages that were being sent to me due to Slack not running. I would rather not clean Slack and just keep it running all of the time.
Anything to correct this behavior would be very much appreciated! Thanks.
I can see your problem.
It's actually a missunderstanding of the differences between Health Check and Custom Clean.
That pop-up 'Close & Analyze' box in your second screenshot is from Health Check. Which tells me that you are using Health Check to clean.
(It's a different looking pop-up box in Custom Clean).
You can untick Slack in that pop-up box and Health Check will then skip it, but you’d have to do that everytime you run Health Check.
Unticking Slack in the lists for Custom Clean has no effect on Health Check.
You cannot customise Health Check.</strong>
Those ticks/unticks in the lists only apply to Custom Clean - they do not apply to Health Check which always uses it's own cleaning rules.
If you want CCleaner to automatically leave Slack alone (and not give you that pop-up) then you have to stop using Health Check and only use Custom Clean with Slack unticked in the list.
You can set Custom Clean to be the default that CCleaner opens to: Options>Settings>CCleaner Home Screen
Hi nukecad,
Got it. Thanks for your response.
Wolverine Man