Exclude Dynamic bing theme Folder For Win7


thank you for the great program you made Piriform

this post to talk about the problem of the new themepack for windows 7 named "Bing Dynamic"

u can have it from this link Bing Dynamic

it download wallpapers in the background and uses this folder

AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Enclosure\{4E296419-0A82-4300-B45C-6B0C8C1E6C0F}

where the ccleaner cleans this folder and each time the wallpapers gone

i tried to exclude this folder from the program but i could not, so i made the ccleaner makes setting file ini and i replaced the path in it in order to exclude

so, plz if you can make the ccleaner chooses folders from "Temporary Internet Files" to exclude and make the choose method has the ability to paste the path also with the ability to choose manually using the window folder browsing

any reply is welcomed

If you're going to exclude something from that folder in CCleaner you'll have to:

1. Enable the view of Hidden Files and Folders, this is a Windows setting and has nothing to do with CCleaner.

2. In CCleaner's exclude area browse to the folder or file. Note that CCleaner requires a full path and can't use any variables when excluding files or folders.

Exclude Examples:

Wrong: %windir%\Temp\SomeFolder

Wrong: %windir%\Temp\SomeFolder\somefile.zip

Correct: C:\Windows\Temp\SomeFolder

Correct: C:\Windows\Temp\SomeFolder\somefile.zip