Every time I run it, it's the same old story: The Quick Launch icon on the desktop dissappears, like it was anti-NSA or something. The 'pinned' Start Menu icon as well. All this, despite µTorrent being explicitly excluded and not even checked under 'Applications.' Even getting the latest update hasn't changed a thing. Running Windows 7 Ultimate. Has anyone else experienced this same 'bliss?'
You can easily see what exactly ccleaner cleans and how it does it by running ccleaner.exe with the command-line switch of export. It doesn't have the logic to go after a program in the way you describe.
The only other thing I can think of is (don't run CCleaner until after you've):
1. Make sure the shortcut/icon to uTorrent.exe is valid.
2. Reboot after making a new shortcut/icon and Pinned icon so that Windows saves the settings.
3. Open CCleaner and click Analyze, and very carefully look at the list to make sure your uTorrent shortcuts aren't listed.
If by chance it's something goofy going on with shortcuts you can easily stop CCleaner from cleaning any shortcuts by unticking:
Cleaner > Windows > Start Menu Shortcuts
Cleaner > Windows > Desktop Shortcuts
Off-topic but I've just noticed after listing those two shortcuts cleaners to untick that most of the default cleaners in CCleaner aren't alphabetized - a complete eyesore jumbled together mess, etc.
You can easily see what exactly ccleaner cleans and how it does it by running ccleaner.exe with the command-line switch of export. It doesn't have the logic to go after a program in the way you describe.
Tried everything, but it just won't run. I find the file, click on it, only to be told by Windows to check my spelling, as it can't locate it.
IE. I type in 'CCleaner.exe /EXPORT' but Windows spews out: 'Windows cannot find CCleaner64.exe' (probably because it's on my disk "E" and which isn't indexed)
The only other thing I can think of is (don't run CCleaner until after you've):
1. Make sure the shortcut/icon to uTorrent.exe is valid.
2. Reboot after making a new shortcut/icon and Pinned icon so that Windows saves the settings.
3. Open CCleaner and click Analyze, and very carefully look at the list to make sure your uTorrent shortcuts aren't listed.
If by chance it's something goofy going on with shortcuts you can easily stop CCleaner from cleaning any shortcuts by unticking:
Cleaner > Windows > Start Menu Shortcuts
Cleaner > Windows > Desktop Shortcuts
Off-topic but I've just noticed after listing those two shortcuts cleaners to untick that most of the default cleaners in CCleaner aren't alphabetized - a complete eyesore jumbled together mess, etc.
I've pretty much done all the above, except No. 3 and which I will, but have to shut down browser first. Also, under 'Windows,' I don't have either 'Start Menu Shortcuts' or 'Desktop Shortcuts' checked. Plus, none of my other shoertcuts get wiped, just uTorrent.
Evil operator blames innocent CCleaner for own incompetence... there ought to be a (Technically-Challeneged) law...
The last thing I always do after using the computer is to run CCleaner... immediately after he cleans up (but without doing anything else to him), I shut the computer down, with CCleaner still open. Next day, I'd find uTorrent missing, so concluded that it was the CCleaner's fault. Apparently, not so! Did a search about vanishing uTorrent and it seems it was Windows itself whacking the program. Turns out the solution is to force a compatibility between Windows and uTorrent. So I checked it, but am yet to shut down and restart, though will in the next hour or so.
So thanks guys, you've been great... but if the above solution doesn't work out, I may yet have to revist this thread again, LOL.
Unfortunately, the 'inoculation' didn't work and the patient is still on life-support. On the plus side, we now know that CCleaner has been vindicated and exonerated in full. All evil can be assigned to malevolent Microsoft and its retarded updates... or me personally, as the case may be...
At the risk of belaboring the obvious, other things to check:
Why is CCleaner on E? Can you install it on the same partition as the main OS? What happens if you do?
What happens if you don't run ccleaner at shutdown? Test it with a full shutdown and restart.
Is there a file called "ccleaner.ini" in the program folder for CCleaner?
Is there some other security software that might me zapping a critical file?
I think all my programs are on E, so they can't get infected directly by the Ebola viruses, as I surf the net. Only the C drive is exposed to it directly. (At least that's what my computer guy tells me, LOL.)
And I did try shutting down Windows without using innocent CCleaner and got a near-same result. (The Start menu entry was still there but with: "The shortcut has been changed or moved so might not work correctly.") It's now mysteriously disappeared into the black hole as well... so go figure...
Also did a search, but there is no file for "ccleaner.ini" either.
Finally, while I have other security software, none of them are whacking uTorrent, hence, I think it's Windows itself. What I still have to try out is an older version of uTorrent and which never got culled, but waiting for my lame computer guy, to get back to me with the correct version number...