ever tried using a computer w/o a keyboard?

there was topic in here about ever tried using a computer w/o a mouse. so i decided to make a thread about ever tried using a computer w/o a keyboard.

i have. i used a virtual keyboard.



care to elaborate on how it works, both how and how well...

Depends how you define "computer". Alot of stuff are "computers".

And you can login remotely to a computer using SSH or telnet or something then use it even though that computer dont have any keyboard.

I've never used a computer locally without a keyboard though as it heavily restricts the productivity and usefulness.

The button dont go down since there is no button on those virual laser keyboards, so I guess it is a little strange to type on them. Do you think they work good?

I've used that at a mall, a year ago or so. A IR laser beam points at different spots on the keyboard and 'activtes' when the beam is broken. It's cool, and doesn't feel weird, but there is a slight delay when typing. Hopefully that was resolved in the newer version, like the one in the cell phone.

care to elaborate on how it works, both how and how well...

I've used that at a mall, a year ago or so. A IR laser beam points at different spots on the keyboard and 'activtes' when the beam is broken. It's cool, and doesn't feel weird, but there is a slight delay when typing. Hopefully that was resolved in the newer version, like the one in the cell phone.

its like what zaphirer said. although when i used it i didnt have a delay. it was just like a normal keyboard except for the feel of course. i think its a great invention. especially you dont have an actual keyboard there containing alot of your space on the computer desk.