Etymology: Piriform products.

I was just wondering, doesn't "CCleaner" look out of place amongst the other products namely, "Defraggler", "Recuva", "Speccy"?

what would you call CCleaner. curious!

To borrow a line from Arsenio Hall - "things that make you go hmm." I honestly don't know what else it could be called.

that must be the best line ever.

Cleanser? :huh:

Scrubbler / Scrubsy ? It "scrubs" your disk :huh:

To My Little Buddy Ishan,

Could I, being a humble neophyte member of the family offer a tidbit concerning the etymology of Piriform's CCleaner? It seems around the time I joined I read somewhere that it was originally referred to as "Crap Cleaner." However, in an attempt to be socially correct and clean that up so as not to offend it was altered to read "CCleaner."

I am of course not adverse to being corrected on this. Take care and a good day to you.

Your friend,


As far as I know, Warlock, that is correct.

Hi Win,

I was just about to close out when I saw your note. It was good to hear from you. Thank you for substantiating my bold statement. I may not always be right but I'm never wrong. Classic statement from my old First Sergeant in the military :-)

Haven't had the pleasure of chatting with you too often due to issues. You offer a great deal to this forum I noticed. Wish I had a sliver of what you folks possess. Feel free to drop me a PM when you're not too busy. My brother lives up there in your neck of the woods. Can't begin to pronounce the name of the town.

Well, I'll hop off and give myself a break. Was catching up on mail and giving my machine an enema as I have been ill so I'll wish you a happy Easter. Take care.

Your friend,


Hello Warlock,

Win and I will be giving the same examinations in about a week's time. It's horrible. I'll have all the time in the world after those get over and I'll be moving from Mumbai to Bangalore as well.

It's a play on the English language: CCleaner = C(see) Cleaner.

Richard S.

Hello Warlock,

Win and I will be giving the same examinations in about a week's time. It's horrible. I'll have all the time in the world after those get over and I'll be moving from Mumbai to Bangalore as well.

The difference being.... your IB exams actually count for something :lol:

To me, the reason why CCleaner is out of place among the other Piriform products is that because its the most renowned and well known of them all in fact, its perhaps the most famous utility app out there for free and its popularity is even greater than any of the other Piriform products combined. Its the most popular product of Pirform (with 600 million downloads) and a lot of people you know about CCleaner are not even familiar with the other Piriform products. CCleaner is great and we love it so much and many of us joined this forum because of something that has to do with CCleaner.

Yes, CCleaner is so good it just defies criticism. Mr. T even agrees. You don't mess with CCleaner or Mr. T.

Kidding aside, CCleaner is invaluable.

Hi Ishan,

I was just briefly checking the forum Lounge only to see if anyone is talking about me behind my back. Just kidding. I apologize for not replying but have been under the weather literally and figuratively lately.

You and win have succeeded in confusing me, which is not that hard these days. You were speaking about giving examinations. I thought you were finishing up with school but perhaps I misunderstood. Could you clarify what you're up to? PM if you're more comfortable. I'll be on just for a short time. Take care buddy.


Hiya Warlock!

IB Exams are next week.. IB is a schooling system used internationally (and widely regarded as a complete waste of time where I'm from)

IB students on IB


Hiya Back To You Win,

Thank you for speedy response and hope you are fine today. Now I have a better understanding of what you two were discussing. These acronyms throw me for a loop when you're not in the loop. Does that make sense? IB is an interesting concept. I read both links and the second cracked me up. There's never a dull moment with you and Ishan around. Well, got a crisis in the making. The Mrs. just called with car problems. Take care and hope to hear from you again.

Your friend,
