Well I was at a yard sale the other day and I picked up a new in the box eTrust Security Suite Ver. r2 for $10. Was wondering if anyone had ever used this Ver. and if there were any major Pros or Cons on this software. I plan on replacing my Norton 2006 when it runs out with this. Thanks
Have only used the etrust anti virus as it was known ( before I changed to avast)
You might like to have a read of this review until others give their opinion.
I'm not sure if its for the whole suite or just the antivirus but Etrust offers free program updates meaning you can use the version you bought and get the newest version thats offered in stores simply by online updates.(as long as the license is still good, which it should be if it was unopened).
I absolutely love etrust antivirus. To me its one of the best if not the best.
I believe the firewall that comes in the suite is zone alarm pro. Its a nice program as well. The antispyware program(pestpatrol) is only ok. It finds a lot of false positives but it will also clean up some nasty stuff that other programs may miss.(double edged sword I guess.)
Overall you got a good deal.
I agrree rridgley that etrust is a good product, problem was my free 1 year anti-virus was almost at an end and etrust sent so many pop up screens about buying the next years subscription ( even when I was surfing online ) it made me mad, so I changed to avast!
Thanks for the replies I hardy ever upgrade my AV from one Ver. to the next via subscribing its allot cheaper just to buy a new Ver. off ebay or from an online discounter and just upgrade from the CD. And yes it was unopened still wrapped in the sealed plastic.
Well with etrust the updates are free so its worth it to upgrade.
With norton you have to pay to change from 2005 to 2006 even if your subscription is still valid right?(haven't used norton long enough to find out. ) With etrust you get the newest version as long as its still under license.
Well with etrust the updates are free so its worth it to upgrade.
With norton you have to pay to change from 2005 to 2006 even if your subscription is still valid right?(haven't used norton long enough to find out.
) With etrust you get the newest version as long as its still under license.
Yes that is correct. It's just a matter of how much you want to spend to upgrade I never buy the subscription online I have always purchased my upgrade off ebay or discount software sites for usually around $20 or less but I'm probably going to go with the eTrust when 2006 runs out next year.
Trust me once you make the switch your computer will be twice as fast.
I have no drought about that at all I know Norton is quiet a resource hog especially on slower processor and machines with just barely enough ram to run XP. However on my machine I have overkill on ram and very few running processes and I never shutdown unless a storm is close by or I'm going to be out of town for more than a few days. I have my system scans set up to run at night while I'm sleeping or at work. With all that said I still plan on dumping Norton when it expires. Thanks for all the insight and help.Trust me once you make the switch your computer will be twice as fast.