eTrust AV update problem

I get this error when updating the database :mellow:

It stops when it says 'Installing downloaded modules'

any suggestions?


here's the log from autodown.txt

2/24/2006 11:45:57 AM ##################################

2/24/2006 11:45:57 AM # Starting Log #

2/24/2006 11:45:57 AM ##################################

2/24/2006 11:45:57 AM

2/24/2006 11:45:57 AM Internet::open() Using preconfig

2/24/2006 11:45:58 AM Internet::connectHttpServer()

2/24/2006 11:45:58 AM Internet::openHttpServer() POST Antivirus/GetSignature/

2/24/2006 11:45:58 AM Using module file:

2/24/2006 11:45:58 AM Autodownload version =

2/24/2006 11:45:58 AM Downloading module list:

2/24/2006 11:45:59 AM Available modules...

2/24/2006 11:45:59 AM av.signatures not currently installed. Now installing new version 2095 Size: 3304727b

2/24/2006 11:46:10 AM Agent Exception: ModuleException: Could not install module

2/24/2006 11:46:10 AM Using module file:

2/24/2006 11:46:10 AM Autodownload version =

2/24/2006 11:46:10 AM Downloading module list:

2/24/2006 11:46:10 AM Available modules...

2/24/2006 11:46:10 AM av.signatures not currently installed. Now installing new version 2095 Size: 3304727b

2/24/2006 11:46:21 AM Agent Exception: ModuleException: Could not install module

2/24/2006 11:46:39 AM Fatal error 3 during download.

Please see log file C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Internet Security Suite\eTrust EZ Antivirus\autodown.log for more information.

Read of a person who had a similar problem which he fixed by rebooting . Apparently he hardly ever did so and now reboots between updates!

No idea if this will help , if not I'm sure you will get other suggestions.

Do you have the .NET 2.0 Framework installed? It would be listed in Add/Remove Programs.

Do you have the .NET 2.0 Framework installed? It would be listed in Add/Remove Programs.

Yeah, i have that installed.

Read of a person who had a similar problem which he fixed by rebooting . Apparently he hardly ever did so and now reboots between updates!

No idea if this will help , if not I'm sure you will get other suggestions.

Ahhh.. i did a restart and it finally updated! Thank you so much :D

Glad you got it fixed Parvez, have a good weekend :)

I always restart after doing an antivirus update even on WinXP SP2, I suppose old habits die hard from my Win98 days.

I get this error when updating the database :mellow:

It stops when it says 'Installing downloaded modules'

any suggestions?


here's the log from autodown.txt

Yeah... Me had the same probs with the update. I also have Zone Alarm installed on my comp.

I closed the Zonealarm s/w and then tried the update. It Worked.

Why revive a thread that's getting close to a year old?

ZA can and will fully work with EZAV since after all Computer Associates used to use a re-branded version of ZA with their antivirus (no longer though). For ZA to work flawlessly with EZAV you need to click the setting that allows it to remember your selection for any and all of EZAV's .exe files when it prompts to allow or deny the connection.