This has to be a useful addition to the already popular and widely used ERUNT registry backup tool.



For folk who don't yet have ERUNT, the download includes all the necessary optimize, backup and restore files, and the "Options" window makes it a breeze to set up the number of running backups to keep, as well as starting it with Windows to make a registry backup on the first boot of the day.

There is also a "portable" version, which you can "install" to any folder, or a flash drive.

ERUNT GUI: (Portable)

If you already have ERUNT, and want to use the GUI version, then you would need to remove the startup entry you made, as this duplicates it, and uninstall ERUNT from "Program Files", or if you simply used the ZIP version, then delete the folder.

IMHO, this is the ideal package for people not too knowledgeable on setting up and running the original non gui version of ERUNT.

I switched to this myself to try it out, but I think I'll just keep it, as it's so damned easy to use.

EDIT: Changed info re "Portable" version. See post #11, Point to note.

But if it makes a backup on your system, what if you can't start your system up? If you could start your system, then wouldn't it be easier to perform a system restore?

I would say the vast majority of non start-up problems are down to problems in the registry, and a simple registry restore is far less of a change than a full system restore, which may revert things you'd rather not have to do again.

I've also had System Restore fail on me on more than one occasion, so I would rather try a less complicated restore of the registry first.

And of course an ERUNT backup can be restored in Safe Mode or by using a Rescue CD.

Dennis, this looks like a nice app to keep it simple when using Erunt.

Does it seem to have a way around UAC for Vista+, or is Task Scheduler still the choice to run Erunt on startup to avoid the UAC popup?

Sorry, I couldn't help you with that as I'm on XP and would only be guessing.

It is a good addition to ERUNT, and as I mentioned above it makes setting up a breeze, and I've kept it installed.

I just realized that I used Davey's line "Keep it simple". Sure do miss him around here.

Thanks for the response Dennis.

I would say the vast majority of non start-up problems are down to problems in the registry, and a simple registry restore is far less of a change than a full system restore, which may revert things you'd rather not have to do again.

I've also had System Restore fail on me on more than one occasion, so I would rather try a less complicated restore of the registry first.

And of course an ERUNT backup can be restored in Safe Mode or by using a Rescue CD.

Dennis, my understanding is that the My Documents folder is exempt from changes during a System Restore.

Please put items you do not want restored into this folder. To run System Restore, go to Start/Run & past in restore/rstrui & hit enter.

There are advantages to ERUNT, but also to System Restore.

- Erunt -> Quick & Easy. Can fix simple problems.

- System Restore -> Quick & Easy. Can fix simple problems. Can fix more complex problems that Erunt fails to fix, since it is NOT a complete System Restore.

* Erunt can fix problems that stem from the registry. But it is a BAD way to try to recover from a rootkit/malware/corrupted program files or settings. System Restore can help fix these types of problems.

It is true that System Restore can fail. Erunt generally works good, but it can also fail if your system gets infected with the right virus. Trojans/viruses that block things from running, or even wipe out the ability to run EXE type files.

* Erunt & System Restore can both be run from safe mode as long as they are properly working & Windows actually boots to safe mode.

* Since most rescue cd/dvd packs try to preload a portion of the OS to fix a problem, there are many cases they fail in. Sometimes malware related. If you have trouble booting to a normal disk to repair Windows, you may be able to use Ubuntu live to load into Linux to copy things over from Windows.

* Please be sure you are hooked to a good UPS with battery backup. I use APC. It saved me tons of times. Spikes, surges, brownouts, whew!

Dennis, this looks like a nice app to keep it simple when using Erunt.

Does it seem to have a way around UAC for Vista+, or is Task Scheduler still the choice to run Erunt on startup to avoid the UAC popup?

I'd use task scheduler.

If you don't want the prompts, then you can turn off UAC (MSCONFIG in the start/Run box).


This has to be a useful addition to the already popular and widely used ERUNT registry backup tool.

Just installed the GUI version of ERUNT. Thanks Dennis, great find.

Does the ERUNT GUI install file contain the full versions of ERUNT and NTREGOPT? Based on DennisD's screenshot, ERUNT GUI contains a link 'Optimize the Registry' that would appear more appropriate for NTREGOPT. I use ERUNT and NTREGOPT, but it is suggested that a prior installation of ERUNT be uninstalled prior to installing ERUNT GUI. Should NTREGOPT be uninstalled as well?

Hi Ronin.

The GUI version contains all required files in the same location.

Either the C:\Program Files folder (named KRtech) if you use the installer, or whichever folder you install the portable version to.

This includes NTREGOPT.EXE, AUTOBACK.EXE, ERUNT.EXE, ERUNTgui.exe, and help files, in a 4.45mb install.

Therefore yes, you need to remove your old setup completely, and the entry in windows startup if you have it, as this version creates it's own.

Point To Note: The portable version does now seem to include the same set-up options as the installed version. When I first looked at both versions, the portable GUI didn't have an "options" button.

Either an addition, or the portable version I tested had a glitch. Either way, the same option is available with both.