Hello i just buy a subscription and when i try to acctivate key i get this CCleaner error code 0x2efd , someone can help me?
0x2efd is a Windows error usually meaning that something couldn't connect to a server.
It may be a temporary server outage, in which case try again a few hours later.
If the error persists (longer than a day?) then it's less likely to be at the server end and more likely to be your Antivirus that is blocking the connection.
Which antivirus are you using and what Windows version do you have?
I was fix it , i was download a old version of cclean i activate key there and after i update to last version
Where were you downloading from?
A new subscription would not give you an old version.
Where did you get the Key from.
I get key from official site but was not work with last version , and i was take another version i put key and after i update
Sorry but the official site would not give you an old version that then needed to be updated.
The official site will always download the latest version.
And you don't get the licence key from any site; it is emailed to you once you have purchased CCleaner.
I am suspecting that you may have been scammed into something different.
So I ask again - Can you give us the URL (web address) of where you downloaded CCleaner from?
Can you give us the URL (web address) of where you downloaded the licence key from?
And again: Which antivirus are you using and what Windows version do you have?