
Can someone help me please.

I am getting an iepsps.dll error when I try to open a tube folder to use in my Corel PSP.

Corel advised me to re install the program but nothing happen the problem persist.

Will some one have a solution.

Really appreciated.

Refards Evelyn

Are you saying you think ccleaner is causing this?

Have you tried unticking Corel under ccleaner applications?

Are you saying you think ccleaner is causing this?

Have you tried unticking Corel under ccleaner applications?

THANK Hazelnut No it is NOT CCleaner problem (the best for me) it is Micro$oft

Corel does not even show in the applications, I was wondering how can I access the LOCAL files since Micro$oft now does not allow me to view in their new SECURITY rules without tinkering with the registry.

There must be a way.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Regards Evelyn