Error while uninstalling Defraggler.


So after I ran defraggler (on W7 64bit) I tried to uninstall it, but during the uninstallation process an error pops by WER and the problem lies at dbghelp.dll_unloaded.

Of course I tried running defraggler on a different machine and did the quick defrag for a change (since I did a full defrag on my other pc).

After the scan was completed I tried again to uninstall it and also on a different computer the same error "dbghelp.dll_unloaded" appeared.

So after it happening also on a different computer you can safely say that the error is caused by Defraggler.

It happens directly when Defraggler tries to do the -Hostcleanup thing during the uninstallation.

And should I be worried about this error? Is it harmful to my computer in any way?




It seems to happen also when you install defraggler, open it, then close it and right after that you uninstall Defraggler.

So it's not only happening when you actually did a defrag or whatnot.

But the error really pops up when it feels like it. Not everytime though, which is kinda weird.

A few things I would try first to see if it helps....

1. Re-install defraggler, reboot, and then try the uninstall again using defragglers own uninstaller. If no luck then....

2. Run a system file check (SFC) see below for info on how to do this

3. Make sure Windows is up to date.

4. Make sure all virus/malware programs are up to date and scans are clean.

Thanks for the quick reply back. Appreciate it.

I'll shall try the above things you mentioned.

Here is the log from the error btw:


Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: BEX64
Naam van de toepassing: defraggler64.exe
Versie van toepassing:
Tijdstempel van toepassing: 534528ea
Naam van foutmodule: dbghelp.dll_unloaded
Versie van foutmodule:
Tijdstempel van foutmodule: 4ce7c5ac
Uitzonderingsmarge: 000007feefa01ef0
Uitzonderingscode: c0000005
Uitzonderingsgegevens: 0000000000000008
Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.1.7601.
Landinstelling-id: 1043
Aanvullende informatie 1: fa05
Aanvullende informatie 2: fa0506ccb3eeb80243db292228cda537
Aanvullende informatie 3: 2b7c
Aanvullende informatie 4: 2b7c51f7007e3bc05109fd11532028ec
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A few things I would try first to see if it helps....

1. Re-install defraggler, reboot, and then try the uninstall again using defragglers own uninstaller. If no luck then....

No error then, but then again I didn't use Defraggler when doing this method, so clearly it's obvious no error will show up.

2. Run a system file check (SFC) see below for info on how to do this

Did this anyway and the scan came out clean with no errors.

3. Make sure Windows is up to date.

Everything is up-to-date.

4. Make sure all virus/malware programs are up to date and scans are clean.

Couple of days ago I scanned my pc with Avira which came out clean. Also scanned with MBAM (no detections), and to top it of I also scanned my pc with Adwcleaner and nothing came up.

But yeah, I can safely say that the problem clearly lies within defraggler since I also tried it on a different PC.

If I was you, you should just test it out the way I told it in my first post, so we can be sure about it that probably everyone gets the same error message.

cannot replicate on my PC (W8.1u1 pro 64bit).

downloaded latest normal build, installed, ran, uninstalled - no worries.

I think it's best to hear it from someone with W7 64bit installed. W8 and W7 are two different operating systems. ;)

1. Re-install defraggler, reboot, and then try the uninstall again using defragglers own uninstaller. If no luck then....

No error then, but then again I didn't use Defraggler when doing this method, so clearly it's obvious no error will show up.

What do you mean ''I didn't use Defraggler when doing this method''?

How did you uninstall Defraggler before when you had the error ? Or do you mean something else?

By that I meant that I didn't actually launched Defraggler after installing it.

I just installed it, rebooted, and uninstalled it again.

It sounds like you are trying to uninstall it while it is still running (a background df.exe in your task manager maybe). Or maybe you have boot defrag checked.

The reason Hazelnut is confused by your "didn't run defraggler" is because she was expecting you to fill in holes like that in her instructions if needed (she's not at you computer).

Why are you defragging and uninstalling in the same session?

Does this occur if you reboot after defrag then uninstall?

Why not use the portable build and save yourself from uninstall totally?